See Who Won the Democratic Presidential Straw Poll at the Faire on the Square

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Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders was the choice of Faire-goers for the Democratic nomination for President in the Watertown Democratic Town Committee’s annual straw poll at Saturday’s Faire on the Square. Sanders won 42 percent of the nearly 200 votes cast, while former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton came in second with 34 percent.

The poll was held at the Democratic Town Committee’s booth at Watertown’s annual Faire on the Square, Saturday, September 26, 2015. Participants were asked to choose between the likely candidates in the 2016 Democratic Presidential Primary.

Coming in third place with 18% of the vote was Vice President Joe Biden, who has yet to declare his candidacy. Other candidates receiving votes were former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley with 2 percent, and former Virginia Senator Jim Webb and former Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee with 0.5 percent each. Write-in candidates received the remaining votes. Full results will be available on the Town Committee’s Facebook page:

“This was the seventh year we have done a straw poll at the Faire, and we are very pleased by the response,” said Steve Owens, chair of the Democratic Town Committee. “Even at this early point in the race, there was a lot of interest in next year’s presidential contest. The most common comment we got from voters was that this was a tough choice between several good candidates.”

While the poll is not intended to be scientific, Mr. Owens pointed out that winners of the Committee’s straw poll have frequently gone on to win in Watertown. “We have a very good track record of reflecting the feelings of the Watertown electorate,” he said. Hillary Clinton previously won the straw poll held at the Faire in 2007 and went on to win Watertown in the February 2008 Presidential Primary.

Members of the Committee represent the Democratic Party at the local neighborhood level, promote the Party platform and work for the nomination and election of Democrats. Under Massachusetts General Law, Democratic Committees reorganize every four years.

“We’re always looking for interested Democrats,” said Mr. Owens. “Being on the Watertown Democratic Committee is a great way to meet people who share your interests and passions.”

The Committee usually meets on the last Thursday of the month in the lower meeting room of the Town Hall. Its next meeting will be Oct. 27 at 7:30 p.m. For more information, please contact

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