LETTER: Resident Reveals Choices for Town Council, School Committee

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Dear Editor,

As a person who is often asked who’s who this election and who are your supporting, I would like to humbly submit that after meeting all the candidates, I’m going with, and rooting for, Anthony Donato and Michael Dattoli for Town Council, as well as Lily Read and Amy Howard Donohue for School Committee. I’m undecided as to how, if at all, I will use my other remaining votes.

When it comes to municipal elections I’ve always voted the person, not the party. That’s why on Tuesday I’m voting for these 4 community “doers’ who have won my vote by listening, asking questions, showing empathy for all, and taking action in the spirit of giving back to the community they love, knowing no vote will please everyone. That in and of it itself shows a commitment not many of us posses.

I’m confident we’ll be well served by Anthony getting on the Council and Michael returning, as they are guided by the simple principal of what’s in the best interest of Watertown. Parents can go to bed knowing they have two teachers/educators, who have children in our school system, advocating for them on the School Committee, with Lilly and Amy.

If you haven’t already, please take some time to give them a call, email them or visit their candidate page and see for yourself what makes them the right people for these important roles.


John Labadini
Main Street


Michael Dattoli for Watertown Town Councilor At-Large

Lily For Watertown School Committee


(Letters about the Town Election will be accepted until noon on Sunday, Nov. 5. Send them to watertownmanews@gmail.com)

3 thoughts on “LETTER: Resident Reveals Choices for Town Council, School Committee

  1. I whole heatedly agree that Anthony Donato will make an excellent new Councilor and that Mike Dattoli deserves another term.
    Anthony is level headed and deliberative. Mike has proven to be an independent thinker on the Council. I noticed that he’s broken from the pack on occasion. And while on on of those occasions I didn’t agree with his vote, I was impressed that he stood up to tremendous pressure he was put under. Both these candidates will consider issues on their merits, not based on alternative political agendas. That’s what we’re looking for in Municipal Government. That’s the reason they are non-partisan. We elect Councilors to oversee the budget and services that Town provides. We don’t elect them to make statements about partisan issues. And that is precisely why I’m voting for Donato and Dattoli on November 7th.

    I’m also strongly agree that Amy Donohue will be a great voice for all of us, but in particular for the parents of school aged children. Her command of the issues is superlative. She comes to the table with no alternative agenda.

    I simply have too many concerns about all the other candidates running for the 4 year School Committee term, to endorse them. Good people can disagree. Good people have different priorities.

  2. Thank you for this and whole heartedly agree that Mike D. and Anthony D. will do great on the TC. Mike is a smart, sensible person that comes across as extremely fair. I appreciate his service to our town and think we are lucky to have him. While I don’t know Anthony D. I do keep hearing lots of great things about him.

    I can’t vote for Tony P. or Caroline Bays. Tony was someone I supported in the past but after the CPA vote and the lack of transparency by those pushing it, which includes Tony P, Caroline Bays, and others, I certainly won’t vote for either of them and hope others realize how hard they pushed for all of us homeowners in town to have to absorb another tax. Not only did they push relentlessly for it BUT even worse was the lack of information they provided voters. Sorry but I can’t afford to have neither of them in office.

    Hopefully David Stokes is someone others consider.

    As for Schools, I agree with Lily, Amy and would encourage others to cast their 3rd vote for John Portz. I want SC members on that are willing and able to roll up their sleeves and get stuff done. The other two incumbents have little to show in the way of what they have accomplished in their 4 years on the SC.

  3. Thank you so much Appreciative mom!! From the feedback I’ve gotten privately there are many who share your sentiments. Let’s hope they come out and vote tomorrow!

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