Now through Sept. 7, the Watertown Police Department will team up with
Massachusetts State Police and more than 191 eligible local police departments across the state to curb impaired driving and save lives.
The high-visibility campaign, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, is funded by a federal grant administered through the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security’s Highway Safety Division (EOPSS/HSD), according to an announcement from the Watertown Police Department. During the upcoming enforcement period, there will be a special emphasis on drunk-driving enforcement.
Local drivers should expect to see more patrol vehicles, OUI checkpoints, and increased messaging about this reckless crime. In 2013, there were 10,076 people killed across the country in drunk-driving crashes. Labor Day weekend is a dangerous time to be on the roads; thirty eight percent of national crash fatalities on Labor Day weekend in 2013 involved drunk drivers.
“Too many people are still making the wrong decision when it comes to drinking and then getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Drinking and driving causes senseless deaths every year – deaths that are preventable. All it takes is a little planning ahead. Designate a sober driver or call a cab. Don’t drink and drive,” said Watertown Sgt. David Sampson.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) new SaferRide mobile app (free from the iTunes store and Google Play) can identify a user’s location and help call a friend for a ride. The app also compiles nearby taxi company phone numbers and reviews and makes it simple to call for a cab.
Sgt. Sampson also reminds motorists that wearing a safety belt is the best defense against drunk and aggressive drivers and your own mistakes.