LETTER: Attorney Running for Governor’s Council Seat

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Dear Friends:

I am announcing my candidacy for Governor’s Council for the Third District of Massachusetts. The district includes much of Middlesex County and parts of Norfolk, Suffolk and Worcester counties.

Many Massachusetts citizens are unaware of the important, indeed vital, mission that the Governor’s Council is charged by the Massachusetts Constitution. The Council plays a seminal role in our state’s justice system and consequently to the function of our democracy and the stability of our society by having the power of “advice and consent” of all judges and clerk-magistrates in Massachusetts. The Council is the last chance the people of Massachusetts have to make sure that the best candidate for the job is picked.

The Governor’s judicial appointments including the Supreme Judicial Court, Court of Appeals, Superior court, District Court, Probate Court and all adjudicatory agencies, such as the Appellate Tax Board, the Department of Industrial Accidents, and other similar agencies of the Commonwealth must receive the consent of the Council before their appointment.

As is evident this position requires a Governor’s Councilor to have expert and specific experience, and knowledge of our justice system. More importantly the position requires the background and depth of experience of a seasoned attorney, an attorney that has been in the “trenches” of the justice system for a respectable amount of years. I believe that this experience is mandatory because it is the only way one is exposed to the traits and skills that constitute a good attorney, an attorney that would make a good judge and will serve the people of Massachusetts competently, fairly and honestly.

What kind of a person should sit in judgment of others? That is the critical question a Governor’s Councilor must ask. After more than 25 years as a trial attorney, and having practiced before almost every court and adjudicatory agency in Massachusetts, and after having taught law, I have the experience to make such judgment and advice the governor of good, a fair or bad choices of proposed judicial and other appointments. My experience stems from having dealt with dozens of judges, dozens of other various court functionaries, and hundreds of attorneys and various other players in our justice system. I have represented plaintiffs and defendants and have a perspective from both sides of litigation. I know what constitutes a good attorney and a good judge. In my practice I have been before judges almost on a daily basis and I can without reservation say that no one can be a good judge with first being a good attorney.

I have the background and frontline experience acquired over the course of over 25 years of trial work to make decisions as to which candidate qualifies to by a judge and which candidate does not. I would be proud and humbled to serve the people of the Commonwealth.


Best Regards,
Peter Georgiou

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