Getting into elective classes at Watertown High School can be challenging, and some freshmen do not get any of their choices, but one School Committee member wants to change that.
During a discussion of the Watertown High School handbook, School Committee member Julie McMahon said students can list their top five choices for elective classes, but some unlucky WHS students don’t get any of their classes. She who has a freshman at the high school.
“Electives are the things that children are attracted to,” McMahon said. “They may be interested in video, but it might be filled.”
The “luck of the draw” freshman year has a snowballing effect later, she said.
“If you get photography 1, then you will move onto photography. You’re set,” McMahon said. “But some freshmen got none.”
WHS Head Master Shirley Lundberg said the freshman year is the toughest time to fit in electives, because of the requirements and the way the schedule works. She personally tried to get as many students into their electives.
“I went through schedules to get people their electives,” Lundberg said. “It is easier for juniors and seniors. Maybe we have to have more than me going through the schedules.”
The School Committee did not take any action on the matter.