Recreation Department Opens Victory Field for Public Use

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A sign of spring is the opening of Victory Field by the Recreation Department. 

Recreation Director Peter Centola announced that the athletic complex on Orchard Street is open for use.

He reminds residents that parking is only for Victory Field users from 8 a.m.-10 p.m.

Those parking at Victory Field overnight must remove their vehicles by 8 a.m. and can begin parking again at 10 p.m.

“Parking is restricted to marked spots only,” Centola said. “Please do not park anywhere else. Do not move cones!”

If parking fills up at Victory Field, additional parking can be found at the Department of Public Works at 124 Orchard St., next to the football field.

“Please do not park in the neighborhood to respect the wishes of our residents who abut the Victory Field Complex,” Centola said.

Failing to abide by these regulations, Centola said, could result in ticketing or removal of your vehicle.

Questions, comments or concerns can be directed to the Recreation office at 617-972-6494 or email

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