2 thoughts on “City Council Newsletter: CIP Approved, City Logo Update, Victory Field Lights, ADA Evaluation

  1. Charlie,

    It would nice to know who this guest writer is.

    As you know, my understanding of your policy is to have a name connected to comments and or publication unless I am mistaken.

    Thanks for looking into this and thanks again for all your great work.

  2. “A day late and a dollar short”. Your update on the city logo seems disingenuous since there is already a part-time employee being paid $82,000 a year to design the logo and “brand” Watertown. In your report today you are claiming that you are “exploring” options.

    “Ultimately, it was agreed that the administration will explore options for logo development and a public process to ensure broader participation moving forward.”

    Talk about closing the barn door after the horses are out ! It seems like you think that Watertown residents are pretty dumb. What happened to transparency and representation? Really!

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