Watertown’s five-year capital plan for Fiscal Years 2026-30 by the has 51 items, including replacing Watertown Middle School, road repair, and renovating parts of the Victory Field complex. The City Council voted to recommend the budget be included in City Manager George Proakis’ Fiscal Year 2026 Operating Budget.
For FY26 the total proposed capital spending is $38.49 million, which includes $23.2 million in school building projects. The cost is covered by tax revenue, state dollars, grants, and borrowing.
Based on the revised FY26 revenue projection, the total proposed FY26 capital spending would be 17.9 percent of the $215 million operating budget, or 7.1 percent without the school building projects, known as “Building for the Future.” The Capital Investment Program (CIP) will be part of the City Budget proposal expected to be made at the April 8 City Council meeting.
The partial reconstruction of Watertown Middle School is the last of Watertown’s five public schools to be rebuilt or renovated. A Feasibility Study will be done to determine if the project can be completed within the City’s budget. The capital plan calls for using $14.7 million in stabilization funds and free cash, $70 million in loans, and a $10 million loan order.
“If the Feasibility Study determines that the project cannot be completed as proposed, further discussion will be required to determine an alternate path forward and its impact on the CIP,” the Committee report reads.
Several projects at Watertown Middle School on prior capital plans have been removed due to the upcoming plans to rebuild or renovate and expand the school.
The CIP includes proceeding with the Victory Field Phase 2 renovation, which focuses on the track, the tennis and basketball courts and a new entryway arch.
Some of the items added to the Capital Improvement Program includes $2.75 million for road and sidewalk repairs, more than $3 million in improvements to the Parker Annex Building, $300,000 for repair of the roof and masonry at City Hall, repairs at the East End Fire Station, and putting in new playground equipment and resurfacing How Park.
Money has been set aside for security upgrades at Watertown Schools, information technology projects, upgrades at the Watertown Police Station, and equipment for the Fire Department and Department of Public Works. Two electric vehicle charging stations are also in the capital plan.
Water and sewer upgrade projects also made the five-year plan.
Councilors heard the report from the City Council’s Committee on Budget & Fiscal Oversight, which met for about 5.5 hours over three budget hearings, said Council Vice President Vincent Piccirilli, chair of the committee. He thanked his fellow committee members, Emily Izzo and Nicole Gardner, other members of the Council, City Manager George Proakis, City Auditor Megan Langan, Treasurer/Collector Melissa Morrissey, and members of the public who took part in the hearings.
City Council President Mark Sideris said the plan continues Watertown’s efforts to keep City facilities and equipment in good repair.
“This was a very robust process,” he said. “Thanks to everyone on the Council and staff for working very hard in keeping these things on our radar so we can keep the community moving forward in a good direction.”
Watertown’s Fiscal Year 2026-30 Capital Improvement Plan Items (see the entire report here):
1 – Confirm canceling the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY18 proposed design loan order for $325,000, and the FY20 proposed construction loan order for $3,000,000, the for the Community Path from Saltonstall Park to Taylor St, to be integrated with Watertown Square Project, as this is now shown to be brought forward for new loan orders in FY28 for $325,000 and FY29 for $3,000,000.
2 – Due to upcoming Middle School Building Project, confirm canceling the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY22 proposed loan order for Various School Improvements in the Middle School for $2,765,000 consisting of:
- Upgrade phone system @ 50,000
- Remodel bathrooms (8) @ 210,000
- New fire protection system @ 2,000,000
- First and Second floor air-conditioning @ 505,000
3 – Confirm canceling the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY22 proposed loan order for $700,000, for Sullivan Playground Improvements to tot lot and walkways, as this is now shown to be brought forward for a new loan order in FY27 for $550,000.
4 – Confirm canceling the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY22 proposed design loan order for $375,000, and the FY23 proposed construction loan order for $4,000,000, for the Victory Field Phase 3 Fieldhouse, as this is now shown to be brought forward for new loan orders in FY27 for $125,000 and FY28 for $4,000,000.
5 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY23 $500,000 proposed loan order for Information Technology, consisting of:
- Infrastructure Improvements @ 300,000
- Permitting and Transparency Dashboards @ 100,000
- Document Scanning @ 100,000
6 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY23 $200,000 proposed loan order to replace Library boilers and pumps.
7 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY23 proposed loan order for $500,000 for the How Park new playground equipment and resurfacing, noting this will require additional CIP funds with a supplemental loan order in FY26 for $650,000, subject to the condition that the Administration shall have an informational presentation to the City Council, for construction in Summer 2025.
8 – Due to upcoming Middle School Building Project, confirm canceling the prior recommendation to proceed with the School Department’s FY23 proposed loan order for Improvements in the Middle School for $395,000 consisting:
- Design Courtyard & Exterior Grounds Landscape @ 120,000
- Renovate Courtyard & Exterior Grounds Landscape @ 275,000
9 – For the School Department’s FY24 proposed loan order for Various School Improvements:
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the District security systems enhancements for $95,000.
- Cancel the prior recommendation Middle School construction HVAC Basement for $72,000 due to upcoming Middle School Building Project.
10 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY24 $1,275,000 proposed loan orders for Parker Annex Renovation Projects, consisting of:
- Replace Main Electrical Service @ 100,000
- Install Building Generator @ 300,000
- Point/Repair Masonry Façade @ 125,000
- Install Fire Suppression System @ 750,000
11 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY24 $1,138,432 proposed loan orders for Information Technology, consisting of:
- Infrastructure Improvements @ 138,432
- Permitting and Transparency Dashboards @ 150,000
- Document Scanning @ 200,000
- MUNIS System Enhancements @ 150,000
- Parker Annex Technology @ 500,000
12 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY24 $310,000 proposed loan orders for the Fire Department, consisting of:
- Main Station Interior Repairs @ 100,000
- Main Station Emergency Generator Replacement @ 90,000
- Station Alerting System @ 120,000
13 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY24 $786,300 proposed loan order for Library Improvements, consisting of:
- Design/Engineer Chiller & Roof Top Units @ 50,000
- Design Heating System & Controls Replacement @120,000
- Replace Chiller @ 200,000
- Replace Roof Top Units/Compressors @ 416,300
14 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY24 $37,000 proposed loan order or transfer of funds for the Police Department, to Replace Access Control/Building Video System Servers.
15 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY24 $2,100,000 proposed loan order for connector roads/longer street projects, in accordance with the Public Works Committee report approved by the City Council on December 13, 2022 for reconstruction of Forest and Springfield Streets in 2025.
16 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 $2,217,000 proposed loan order for Parker Annex Second Floor Renovations, noting this will require additional CIP funds with a supplemental loan order in FY26 for $230,000.
17 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 $350,000 proposed loan order for Commander’s Mansion Elevator.
18 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 $960,000 proposed loan order for Bemis Park Playground equipment & surface, and spray park, subject to the condition that the Administration shall have an informational presentation to the City Council, for construction in Summer 2025.
19 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 $1,100,000 proposed loan order for Information Technology, consisting of:
- Infrastructure Improvements @ 200,000
- Permitting and Transparency Dashboards @ 150,000
- Document Scanning @ 200,000
- MUNIS Financial System Enhancements @ 100,000
- Parker Annex Technology @ 200,000
- Digital Equity and Broadband @ 250,000
20 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 $130,800 proposed loan order for the Fire Department Main & North Stations Apparatus Doors.
21 = Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 $693,000 proposed loan order for the Police Department, consisting of:
- Replace Training Simulator Computer System @ 93,000
- Firing Range HVAC Upgrade @ 600,000
22 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 $650,000 proposed loan order for the Public Buildings Department for the roof replace/solar & Solar Canopy at the DPW parking lot.
23 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 $417,000 proposed loan order for the Public Works Department, consisting of:
- Highway Skid Steer @ 65,000
- Snow & Ice Loader ¾ yard @ 107,000
- Cemetery Off-road Utility Vehicles (2) @ 30,000
- Cemetery Backhoe @ 140,000
- Tree Chipper @ 75,000
24 – For the School Department’s FY25 proposed loan order for Various School Improvements:
- Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the District security systems enhancements for $95,000.
- Cancel the prior recommendation for $920,000 due to upcoming Middle School Building Project consisting of:
i. Middle School remodel 8 bathrooms @ 120,000
ii. Middle School roof refurbishing/replacement/solar @ 500,000
iii. Middle School design/replace Auditorium/Gym HVAC @ 200,000
iv. Middle School Main Office Conference Room @ 100,000
25 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 $40,000 proposed loan order or transfer of funds for the Skating Rink Enclosure Soffits/outside walls.
26 – Proceed with the FY25 $2,750,000 proposed loan order for local road construction projects in the summer of 2025, in accordance with the Public Works Committee Report approved by the City Council on November 26, 2024.
27 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 $2,200,000 proposed loan order for connector roads/longer street projects, in accordance with the Public Works Committee report approved by the City Council on December 13, 2022 for reconstruction of Riverside Street in 2026.
28 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 $500,000 proposed loan order for Mt. Auburn Street Non-participatory funds.
29 – Proceed with the FY26 $300,000 proposed loan order for Administration Building Additional Roof/Masonry.
30 – Proceed with the FY26 $3,561,000 proposed loan order for Parker Annex Renovation Projects, consisting of:
- Second Floor Renovations additional funds @ 230,000
- ADA/Code Update Requirements @ 2,106,000
- Retro-commissioning Study @ 75,000
- Retro-commissioning Upgrades @ 800,000
- Masonry Additional Costs @ 350,000
31 – Proceed with the FY26 $650,000 proposed loan order for How Park new playground equipment and resurfacing additional funds, for construction in Summer 2025.
32 – Proceed with the FY26 loan order for $11,000,000 for Victory Field Phase 2 (in accordance with the Final Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Victory Field Phase 2 dated June 28, 2018 as approved by the City Council on August 14, 2018, with feedback from the 75% design final community meeting as noted in the Manager’s memo February 18, 2025, for construction in Summer 2025.
33 – Proceed with the FY26 $40,000 proposed loan order or transfer of funds for Recreation Facilities AEDs.
34 – Proceed with the FY26 $850,000 proposed loan order for Information Technology, consisting of:
- Infrastructure Improvements @ 200,000
- Permitting and Transparency Dashboards @ 150,000
- Document Scanning @ 200,000
- MUNIS Financial System Enhancements @ 100,000
- Parker Annex Technology @ 50,000
- Digital Equity and Broadband @ 150,000
35 – Proceed with the FY26 $697,000 proposed loan order for the Fire Department, consisting of:
- East End Fire Station HVAC/Plumbing @ 126,000
- East End Fire Station Painting-Carpet-Lighting @ 121,000
- Firefighter Protective Outer Gear @ 450,000
36 – Proceed with the FY26 $1,667,000 proposed loan order for the Police Department, consisting of:
- Video System Security Replacement @ 48,000
- Level 3 EV Charging Station @ 1,585,000
- Security Switch Replacement @ 34,000
37 – Proceed with the FY26 $1,000,000 proposed loan order for the Public Works Department, consisting of:
- Traffic Supervisor vehicle #C10 @ 80,000
- Highway Hot Box #49 @ 300,000
- Snow & Ice 4×4 Sander #37 @ 320,000
- Cemetery Dump Truck #202 @ 100,000
- Parks & Forestry Chipper Body #74 @ 200,000
38 – Proceed with the FY26 $2,500,000 proposed loan order for the Public Buildings Department, consisting of:
- Vehicles & Snow Equipment @ 60,000
- Inventory Equipment @ 150,000
- Add EV Stations @ 90,000
- DPW Roof replace/solar & Solar Canopy DPW parking lot @ 2,000,000
- DPW Garage Fan & Doors @ 200,000
39 – Proceed with the FY26 $55,000 proposed loan order or transfer of funds for the Skating Rink, consisting of:
- Rebuild of Compressors @ 25,000
- Upgrade of Internal Lighting to LED @ 30,000
40 – For the Watertown Middle School partial reconstruction, which is the final Building for the Future project, and which is proposed using a combination of $14.7M in stabilization funds & free cash, and $70M in loans, proceed with the FY26 proposed loan order of $10,000,000, subject to the completion of the Feasibility Study by the School Building Committee. If the Feasibility Study determines that the project cannot be completed as proposed, further discussion will be required to determine an alternate path forward and its impact on the CIP.
41 – Proceed with the School Department’s FY26 capital appropriation request of $472,000 for projects as shown in the CIP as follows:
- $155,000 for various items to be funded with tax revenues, consisting of:
i. District update food service equipment @ 30,000
ii. District interior painting @125,000 - A proposed loan order for Various School Improvements for $317,000 consisting of:
i. Phillips School Masonry Repairs @ 222,000
ii. District security systems enhancements @ 95,000 - It is agreed the remaining School Capital Items requested in FY26, totaling $1,285,000, cannot be funded at this time due to the proposed Middle School project, and will need to be deferred to future years, or funded by the School Department if they have unexpended funds at the end of the year.
42 – Refer to the Public Works Committee, for policy guidance, in accordance with Resolution 2013-76 Watertown’s Ongoing Capital Project Budget Guidelines:
- The FY26 $2,875,000 proposed loan order for local road construction projects in the summer of 2026.
- The FY26 $2,300,000 proposed loan order for connector roads/longer street projects for the summer of 2026.
43 – Proceed with the additional FY26 Streets & Sidewalk proposed loan orders:
- Underground Ducts for Utilities for $300,000
- Ornamental Street Lighting for $300,000
- Mt Auburn Street Non-participatory funds for $500,000
44 – Refer to the Public Works Committee, for policy guidance, plans for the FY26 $390,000 Chapter 90 Fair Share Amendment Appropriation.
Water/Sewer Enterprise Fund CIP
45 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY19 proposed Sewer Enterprise Fund loan order for $394,000 for a Heavy-duty Crane. Note: price updated from $270,00 with current quote.
46 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with FY24 $879,000 Sewer Enterprise Fund proposed loan orders:
- Sewer Vac @ 624,000 Note: price updated from $430,00 with current quote.
- Swap Dump Truck @ 255,000 Note: price updated from $190,00 with current quote.
47 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 Water & Sewer Enterprise Funds proposed MWRA loan order:
- Sewer Inflow & Infiltration Local Financial Assistance Program (I&I) for $1,320,000 consisting of a $990,000 grant and a 330,000 interest-free loan.
48 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 Sewer Enterprise Fund proposed loan order for $320,000 consisting of:
- 35 GVW Service Truck @ 170,000
- Sewer Pump/Trailer @ 150,000
49 – Confirm the prior recommendation to proceed with the FY25 Water Enterprise Fund proposed loan order for $80,000 for Utility Truck.
50 – Proceed with the FY26 Water & Sewer Enterprise Funds proposed MWRA loan orders:
- Sewer Inflow & Infiltration Local Financial Assistance Program (I&I) for $1,320,000 consisting of a $990,000 grant and a 330,000 interest-free loan.
- Local Water System Assistance Program (LWSAP) $500,000 interest-free loan to replace outdated unlined cast iron water mains.
- Lead Loan Program (LLP) $300,000 interest-free loan to replace lead service lines.
51 – Proceed with the FY26 Sewer Enterprise Fund proposed loan order for $940,000 consisting of:
- Sewer system improvements @ 750,000
- Service Response Truck #60 @ 190,00