The following announcement was provided by Watertown Citizens for Peace & Common Security:
The Watertown Citizens for Peace & Common Security is sponsoring a panel discussion of five Christian Ministers for our talk entitled: Religious Leaders Speak Out About The Injustices in Palestine.
Christian and Unitarian Universalist clergy will offer perspectives on the unjust circumstances that have been and continue to be imposed on the Palestinian people of Gaza and elsewhere in historic Palestine.
Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 2:30pm
Location: The Church of the Good Shepherd
9 Russell Ave., Watertown, MA 02472
The speakers are:
Rev. Ashlee Wiest-Laird, American Baptist/Alliance of Baptists Pastor, First Baptist Church; Jamaica Plain MA
The Rev. Peter J. Miano, United Methodist, Executive Director, The Society for Biblical Studies, Arlington MA
Rev. Korte Yeo, United Church of Christ, Pastor, Berkley Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Berkeley, MA
Rev. Martha Durkee-Neuman, Unitarian Universalist, Assistant Minister for Lifespan Faith Formation at the First Church, Unitarian Universalist, Belmont, MA
The Rev. Andrew Goldhor, Episcopal Rector, Church of the Good Shepherd. Watertown, MA
Watertown Citizens for Peace & Common Security is a working group of Watertown Citizens For Peace, Justice & the Environment.
“Religious Leaders Speak Out About The Injustices in Palestine.”
Excellent! It’s about time religious leaders speak out about the appalling treatment of Jews and Muslims—but mostly Jews—by Hamas. Jesus was persecuted, mocked, and put to death AS a Jew. (The inscription INRI stands, in Latin, for Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.) Multiply that by 1,200 on Oct. 7, 2023. Speak out about that, will you.
“Historic Palestine” is an odd expression, however. Israel was Israel—twice, and still is, thank God!—for eons more years than it was Palestine. It’s like referring to historic Biafra. If you had invited a Jew, you might know that.
Add to that the 70 Catholics beheaded by Muslims in the Republic of Congo in February 2025.
Same source of hate and violence.