The following announcement was provided by the Mosesian Center for the Arts:
The year 2025 marks the 100th anniversary of the time when Armenian American artist Arshile
Gorky lived in Watertown. Gorky endured personal tragedies from fleeing his village during the Armenian genocide and later losing his mother at a young age. After arriving in America in 1920 he was able to pursue his passion for art and create work that reflected his traumatic past. Gorky’s biomorphic abstractions hold an important place in 20th century art.
As Watertown celebrates the art and life of the artist, Mosesian Center for the Arts is excited to be a part of the events honoring Gorky’s work.
We invited artists to submit artwork that recognized the importance of drawing as a vital artistic practice. Artists in the exhibition used drawing as a vehicle of self-expression, drawing as a way of recording thoughts and experiences, and as a form of visual thinking.
“Gorky and the Language of Drawing: Observation, Transformation and Metaphor” is on display at the Mosesian Center for the Arts from March 7 – April 25, 2025. The opening reception was held on March 13, 5:30 – 7:30 PM.
In addition, there will be a free screening of the film “Without Gorky” on March 28, at 7:30 pm.
For more information, please visit our website:
The mission of The Mosesian Center for the Arts is to enrich the lives of diverse audiences and participants by providing exceptional experiences in theater, visual, and literary art.