The Watertown Recreation Department will be organizing a team for Girls on the Run, with a run at the end of the program. See more information in the announcement from the organizer.
Girls on the Run is a program designed to inspire third, fourth and fifth grade girls of all abilities to embrace their inner strength and make meaningful connections with others. Trained coaches use physical activity and dynamic discussions to build social, emotional and physical skills while encouraging healthy habits for life. After 8 weeks of training, the girls will compete in a celebratory 5k on the Boston Common on May 31st.
Season Details
Site/Team Name: Watertown Rec @ Hosmer School
Eligible to Participate: All Watertown girls in grades 3-5
Practice Days & Times: Wed & Fri, 2:30-4:00 PM*
Season Starts: Wed. April 2nd @ Hosmer
*No practices during April vacation week or on early release days.
End-of-Season Celebratory 5K: Saturday 5/31
Program Fee: $225 – Financial Assistance always available!
Site Contact: Kristy Walter (kwalter31@gmail.com)
GOTR Contact: Steph Gendron (steph.gendron@girlsontherun.org)