Father Bob Connors of St. Patrick Church of Watertown presided over a mass that could be seen across the country on CatholicTV.
The daily Catholic Mass was celebrated at the Watertown studios of CatholicTV in the Chapel of Holy Cross.
Connors presided at the daily mass today in honor of the second week of Lent. Parishioners of St. Patrick joined Fr. Connors in the celebration of this mass including Dan Ferrell, who served at the altar and David O’Connell whom served as lector, according to the announcement from Watertown-based CatholicTV.
This mass can be watched on-demand on our website at www.CatholicTV.com
The time I spent at St Patrick Church, around Very Rev. Robert Connors, VF, Ph.D. was the best I could ever have and I am sure, for me, he was and will remain an example for the right pastor at the right moment; Fr. Connors always knew to say to me the proper word so that it sounds like an acceptable compliment as well as to use the needed tone when something looked like I did wrong. Coming from a different church he did not make me feel different or excluded and even if I thought I had read enough Fr. Connors still demonstrated to me that I do not know the very short essence about i.e. charity, marriage, prayers, people…. It was him and his parishioner sthat helped me accept and pay the due interest in an awful event I’ve rather preferred to totally ignore for I was so unprepared for it to happen just in my first in-Boston week. Last but not least, Fr. Connors’ overall attitude in the Church was a factor that strengthened my hope that the Church will not be judged by the deeds of a few of her ministers but the Church will be first and foremost seen in the love her Groom, the resurrected Christ has for her and in the prayers of those who sincerely adore Him.