Pair of Watertown Men Pull Handgun Out of Charles River, Had Been Reported Stolen

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Watertown DPW

Two men from Watertown pulled up a firearm from the depths of the Charles River last week. The handgun had been reported stolen.

Patrick Rourke and Isaac Russo went out on a kayak and searched for metal objects on the river and they found something after just a few minutes, according to the report on WHDH Channel 7. They soon realized it was a real firearm.

They contacted Watertown Police who notified the Massachusetts State Police, who have jurisdiction because the Charles falls under the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation.

“Troop H detectives and MSP Ballistics responded to the scene,” said State Police Spokesman Trooper Brandon Doherty. “A records check determined the weapon had been reported stolen in 2004. Investigation into the found weapon remains active.”

The pair of men had previously found a firearm in the Charles River, according to WHDH. See the Channel 7 report by clicking here.

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