The City of Watertown announced that one of the fields at an East End Park will be closed to let it recover from high use.
The City sent out the following announcement:
The Watertown Department of Public Works (DPW) and Recreation Department have concluded that the Filippello (Grove) Field should be shut down due to poor field conditions.
Due to overuse and weather the turfgrass went into winter in rough condition and will not recover unless it is allowed to rest. There is extreme wear on the east end of 11 v 11 soccer layout caused by shading of trees, which prevents area from drying out after rain events.
We will take an aggressive approach to renovation (aeration/seeding/fertilization/topdressing) over the next 3 months and expect the field to fully recover for Fall ’24 sports.
Please note that goals will be locked during this period and the field will be monitored for nonpermmited use, which includes dogs and golf.
Maybe cut down some of those shade trees too….or just let it happen again next year resulting in more repair costs.
Does the “high use” come from the deal the City made with BBN regarding the shared use of the park and the new playing fields on Arlington St?
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Correction… new playing fields on Grove St.