Dear Sirs –
I am a 30-year resident who has finally reached the age where shoveling my sidewalk has become a bigger task than I can handle. There must be hundreds of elderly residents like me in Watertown.
I have heard from friends in other towns that the town officials or the DPW in those towns have created a list of workers (some teens or others with a snow blower or shovels looking for a little extra cash) who will do the work for a reasonable price.
Wouldn’t it be a valuable service for Watertown residents if our officials did the same for us?
We don’t know where to look for workers like these, but our sidewalks must be cleared just the same.
Would you ask the proper people in town hall if they would do this for us?
Or alternately, would you ask if any of your readers would like to advertise their snow shoveling services?
Watertown really could use this service.
Thank you for your consideration.
Steve Cooper
There is an existing program (my boys do it every winter) called Watertown Prosperity,
run by Town Council member Kenny Woodland.
Contact him at
Ken Woodland
149 Main St. Watertown, MA 02472
Phone: (617) 780-4426
Hi Steve,
Watertown has something similar that West End Councilor Kenny Woodland started a few years ago. The program matches students looking for community service hours with elderly residents & others in need of snow removal & the students do it gratis. My neighbor has had kids for 2 or 3 years now. I was recently told that you can email Kenny about it but that they may be full for this year.
To each person with a good snowblower or strong back, everyone always appreciates a little help with snow removal so if you’re able do a little more, help a neighbor even if it’s just a little. My neighbor did my sidewalk this weekend & it was a great surprise
We’re seniors and for the past 2 years have had teens from Watertown Prosperity shovel our walks and driveway. This year we were told they didn’t get enough middle school students sign up for the program, so they couldn’t do it for us. My husband has a bad back and I can’t do it all myself, so we’ve had to hire a landscaper to plow and shovel.