Watertown will hold the first Porchfest on Saturday, May 18, and organizers seek both porches to host performances and bands to perform.
The event will be on May 18, from 12-5 p.m. (rain date is Sunday, May 19).
Registration has opened, and will continue through April 28.
What is Porchfest?
Porchfest is an afternoon of free music (and other performances) performed outside of people’s homes – on porches, patios, driveways, and lawns. It cannot be on public property (i.e. sidewalk or street).
Click here to sign up as a host.
What kind of groups can perform?
Any and all are welcome! You can play solo or with a group; with instruments or a capella. Any type of music is welcome. We also welcome other types of performances, such as dance or spoken word; use the “other” genre category when signing up.
Click here to sign up as a performer.
The event is sponsored by the Watertown Public Arts & Culture Committee.