On March 5th Massachusetts Republicans and unenrolled voters will be choosing whom they think ought to be the GOP Nominee for President of the United States.
Just as important, we will be choosing who represents us on the Republican State Committee. The State Committee is a board of 80 members, 40 men and 40 women, who elect the MA-GOP Chair, set the state party platform, and direct resources.
They decide whether or not the party will rebuild by focusing on legislative and other local offices, or whether we will continue focus our resources, as the Establishment has always on done, on marquis offices, that bring a lot of money for high-priced consultants who are connected with the Establishment; all to the detriment of party building.
I am proud to enthusiastically endorse John Umina and Catherine Umina for State Committeeman and Committeewoman, respectively, in the Suffolk and Middlesex District. The district comprises Belmont, Watertown, Brighton, and Back Bay Boston.
I’ve known both John and Cathy for over a decade and worked closely with both on a multitude of campaigns for Republican candidates, conservative ballot questions, and many issues which face Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Republican Party. No matter the need, both John and Cathy were there to help and even spearhead the effort.
When I served as President of the Massachusetts Republican Assembly 5th Chapter, John served as my Vice President. Our Chapter was the largest at the time and the most active. That wouldn’t have been possible without John’s hard work.
Both he and Cathy were strong fundraisers for our Chapter and for Candidates. They were always out there on the campaign trail. No task was beneath them or too much of a challenge for them to take on. They helped Candidates running for a full range of office, from Local Town Meetings, to Governor, to President.
However, being hard and dedicated workers isn’t enough to serve on the State Committee. One needs to be true to Republican principles and committed to growing the State Party, from the bottom up. In this regard, we could not ask for better State Committee representation for our district, than John and Cathy Umina. They will not be bought with Establishment promises, like political patronage jobs, which is far too often the case with Establishment backed candidates and Committee Members. They will look at each issue before them and vote on the merits. They are truly seeking to serve, without any personal interest, other the future of our Commonwealth and our future generations.
Therefore I urge you, on March 5th, please join me in voting for John Umina for Republican State Committeeman and Cathy Umina for State Committeewoman.
Respectfully and humbly in your service,
John DiMascio
Former Chair of the Watertown Republican Town Committee
Former President Mass Republican Assembly Chapter 5.
Do these candidates support the disastrous policies of the former state party leadership? Seems like a step backwards if that is the case. The GOP has elected most of the governors of the state since 1990 by running sensible conservative candidates. When they don’t, they lose.
The problem with the MA-GOP since 1990 is that they’ve only been concerned with electing a Republican Governor. They’ve had no interest in helping local candidates, in Republican friendly districts. So we have a total imbalance in the legislature. All these people have been concerned with is getting political patronage jobs from the Governor. All the races for Federal Offices, have been nothing but money laundering operation to funnel money to select “consultants.” They simply soaked donors.
The previous Chair, exposed the ongoing corruption and money laundering, not to mention the lavish expenditures on dinners, parking, rent, and so forth.
The MA-GOP needs to start supporting people willing to run for dog catcher, not just Governor.
And the GOP was successful. Until MAGA took over. How’s it going now in MA?