Find Out How to Get a Tree from the Town for Your Property

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Watertown residents can have a tree planted in front of their home, or even on their property by the town – find out how!

Watertown Tree Warden Chris Hayward is preparing for the fall 2014 tree planting season and he is looking for places to put new trees. He has nearly 30 species of all sizes to choose from, including variety of dogwood, cherry, maple and many more trees (see the list here).

Hayward will put together a database of requests.

“They can say these are the trees I want and I’ll come out and see if it works,” Hayward said.

While he has many kinds of trees, the number of each one is limited.

“Everyone wants Japanese maple, but they are not great street trees,” Hayward said. “We have weeping cherries and dogwoods.”

The trees do not have to be on public land. Hayward will put trees within 20 feet from the front property line.

“All I ask for is a small donation so I can take care of the trees,” Hayward said.

To contact Tree Warden Chris Hayward, send and email to or call e 617-972-6426.

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