Gradient Dr. Barbara Beck.
The City Council recently honored Watertown Board of Health board member Barbara Beck for her 28 years of service.
When she announced her retirement from the Board of Health, the City Council passed a proclamation honoring Beck.
“I’ve been really honored to serve on the Board of Health,” Beck said. “We started off working on hazardous materials recycling form auto body shops all they way through the pandemic to biotechs, it’s been a learning experience and an honor to be able to serve the people of this community.”
City Council President Mark Sideris thanked Beck for her service on the Board.
“We have benefited greatly from your expertise and we appreciate all you have done for us,” Sideris said.
Beck earned a doctorate in molecular biology and microbiology from the Tufts University Graduate School of Biomedical Science, and began working at Gradient in 1987. She rose to become Principal Toxicologist & Risk Assessor. In 1995, she was appointed to the Board of Health by then-Town Manager Michael Driscoll.
In 2021, Beck was named Vice Chair of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board, and was also elected as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for her contributions to the fields of toxicology and risk assessment, particularly for pioneering work on the evaluation of health risks of environmental chemicals.
The Council also approved the appointment of Kim Netter to fill the opening on the Board of Health. She has worked in the healthcare industry for 40 years, focusing on strategic planning, promotion and management. Her experience includes 21 years in the public health areas of mental health promotion; substance abuse and violence prevention; and diversity, equity and inclusivity. Prior to earning a master’s degree in public health, she spent 19 years in the pharmaceutical/medical device industry, according to the City Council’s Health and Human Services Committee report.
WHEREAS: The quality of life and spirit in a community is enhanced by the commitment and willingness of a volunteer to give of his or her time and talents during term of service; and,
WHEREAS: Dr. Barbara D. Beck is being honored by the City Council, the Administration, Colleagues, and Community Members for her twenty-eight years of dedicated service to the Watertown community; and,
WHEREAS: Dr. Beck earned her BA in Biology from Bryn Mawr College and her PhD in Molecular Biology and Microbiology from the Tufts University Graduate School of Biomedical Science, and has also served as a Visiting Scientist at the Havard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; and,
WHEREAS: Dr. Beck began working for Gradient in 1987 and ascended to the title of Principal
Toxicologist & Risk Assessor; and,
WHEREAS: Dr. Beck was appointed by Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll as a member of the
Board of Health in 1995; and,
WHEREAS: In 2020, Dr. Beck was nationally recognized by being elected as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for her “meritorious contributions to the fields of toxicology and risk assessment, particularly for pioneering work on the evaluation of health risks of environmental chemicals”, and was also appointed to serve as Vice-Chair of the Science Advisory Board to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and,
WHEREAS: Dr. Beck worked tirelessly through decades of service as a stalwart of the community
and proved to be an invaluable steadying resource during a once in a century global pandemic.
NOW THEREFOR BE IT PROCLAIMED: That the Watertown City Council extends its deepest appreciation to Dr. Barbara D. Beck and takes great pride in honoring her for her many years of service.
In Witness Whereof, we have
hereunto set our hand and caused the
Great Seal of the City of Watertown
to be affixed on this 23rd day of January 2024