Giving Tuesday: Some Watertown-Based Groups to Consider Supporting

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Looking for a place in Watertown to donate on Giving Tuesday, Nov. 29, here are some ideas.

Helen Robinson Wright Fund, a charitable fund at First Parish Church. The fund assists those in need of food, heat, and other basic needs. Need help paying an electric bill, call the church at 617-924-6143.

The Watertown Community Foundation awards grants for educational programs, health programs, revitalization of the riverfront, and provides emergency assistance for families in crisis.

The Dorothy and Charles Mosesian Center for the Arts, formerly the Arsenal Center for the Arts, brings dynamic theatre, inspirational art classes, visual art exhibitions, and diverse musical performances as well as subsidize programming for local seniors and underserved youth. Donations of $40 or more automatically enroll you in the center’s membership program.

Improbable Players – substance abuse prevention education through theater – in Watertown since 1984

Watertown Community Gardens is a group that provides low-cost community garden plots for Watertown residents, and an enjoyable community focused around gardening. Donate by PayPal or by mailing a check to to WCG at PO Box 1041, Watertown, MA 02471. Or donate to the WCG crowd funding page—before December 15— at

Watertown Boy’s & Girls Club serves hundreds of children across the community. It also provides swim lessons and hosts some of the Cops and Rec programs with the Watertown Police and the Watertown Recreation Department. There are other ways to give to the Watertown Boy’s & Girl’s Club, click here to see the options

2 thoughts on “Giving Tuesday: Some Watertown-Based Groups to Consider Supporting

  1. Project Literacy is one of my favorite local organizations that fosters connections in the community. They offer free services to adults learning to read, write, or speak English. Find out more about Project Literacy here:

    If you’re looking to donate, the Friends of Project Literacy is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation founded to support the work of Project Literacy. Donate to Friends of Project Literacy here:

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