State Officials to Discuss Improvement to Mt. Auburn St./Fresh Pond Pkwy.

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Hear about the state’s project to make changes to the intersection of Mt. Auburn Street and Fresh Pond Parkway at a meeting on Monday, Nov. 14.

The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will hold its second public meeting where the public can give input on the Mount Auburn Street Corridor Study.

The project focuses on an area in the Cambridge, but the changes to traffic patterns will effect how Watertown residents and commuter travel through Cambridge; access to Mount Auburn Cemetery, Mount Auburn Hospital and many other destinations.

The meeting will be held Monday, Nov. 14, 2016 from 6-8 p.m. at the Shady Hill School, 56 Coolidge Ave., Cambridge (this is the same Coolidge Avenue that starts in Watertown and proceeds past the Cambridge Cemetery).

Meeting minutes from the first meeting and additional information can be found at:


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