Groups For and Against Question 5 – the CPA – Make Their Cases

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The election is a week away, and the debate over whether Watertown should adopt the Community Preservation Act – the CPA – continues to rage. 

Watertown News invited the supporters and opposition of the CPA on the town ballot to state their case for why voters should vote “Yes” or “No” on Question #5.

Invest in Watertown, which proposed the Ballot Question, got 1,000 words, and the two groups publicly opposing the CPA – the Concerned Watertown Homeowners and Watertown Strong Schools – each got 500 words.

Read their statements by clicking the title below:

Yes on 5: Invest in Watertown Supports Passing Community Preservation Act

No on 5: Concerned Homeowners, Watertown Strong Schools Oppose CPA

Also, find out more about the details of the CPA by clicking here.

One thought on “Groups For and Against Question 5 – the CPA – Make Their Cases

  1. Thank you Charlie Breitrose for all your efforts to get voters timely, topical and relevant information so voters can make an educated decision!

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