13 thoughts on “LETTER: CPA Advocate Hitting the Streets to Spread His Message

  1. I hope that you will inform people of the negative impacts of the CPA TAX while you give them the Pro’s. Negatives like rents will probably go up for some, the financial impact on young homeowners with children and large expenses, what the CPA TAX exemption guidelines are and how their income is determined, and all of the 3 items they can deduct from their income limits to qualify for an exemption, that a school tax override is coming soon, and last but not least please don’t forget to tell them that they will have to provide copies of their federal and State income tax forms if they file for an exemption.
    With all of that I hope you have a nice walk

    • John, as I have said elsewhere, I believe the 2% CPA surcharge will not be a factor in driving up rents in Watertown. The market is the big driver in rising rents. Watertown is now more desirable and more people are aware of the advantages of living here. Landlords are not raising rents to recoup expenses, they are raising rents because they can get disturbingly increasing amounts quite easily, due to demand. The larger housing market in Eastern Massachusetts is the main driver in increasing rents across the region.

      Am I worried about affordability–you bet. I myself, am not well heeled. I work very, very hard for a living and it gets harder and harder to make ends meet. But I think that we must seek solutions other than rejecting the CPA, as that will not help renters one bit.

  2. I’d like to thank Mr. Fairbairn for his dedication and zeal. I strongly disagree with the cause he’s promoting and share the same concerns that Mr. Labadini mentioned, regarding outside interests trying to deceive Watertown residents into adopting a needless Tax-on-a-Tax. You have to ask: Who stands to gain from this and how much do there stand to gain? Nevertheless, I applaud Mr. Fairbairn for his service on the Conservation Commission and his willingness to step out of his comfort zone to knock on people’s doors. Hopefully someday he may do it for worthy cause.

    • So now there is some nefarious boogeyman outside of Watertown that stands to profit from the CPA? More and more these claims don’t appear to stand up to careful scrutiny. Outside interests? Special interests? Sounds like a lot of hooey to me.

      I think that the CPA funds will free up other funds in the town budget. And I also think that there will be plenty of public process about spending the funds. It seems to me that, given the development pressures on the town, it is a good time to act to preserve open space and historical assets.

  3. So John, are you accusing Mr. Fairbairn and Councillor Palomba of being flat out liars? Let’s be straight up about it, okay? I don’t know Mr. Fairbairn, but I do know Councillor Palomba and I do say I resent your accusations. Tony is a stand up guy, who cares deeply about his constituents. You may disagree with him, but I think that implying that he is lying is lousy tactics.

    • Indeed I am. You think “implying that he is lying is a lousy tactic”? Strange, I think actually lying is a lousy tactic. I don’t know what’s in the man’s heart to call him a liar, but yes that’s indeed what I’m accusing him of and, you know what I resent Mr Levendsusky? I resent that I/we have to defend ourselves to you and others while the elected official is mute out here? You think our integrity hasn’t been challenged? I’m not being burned in effigy by people that have never met me. I’ve met with Tony on numerous occasions and he has been less then truthful in every encounter. I have replied to you directly each and every time you’ve questioned me. This is backwards. Why is the onus on the opponents always? Where is he? Why doesn’t he owe anyone an explanation? You know him so well, tell him what’s being said and to defend his position. Those are their words I quoted, not mine. What did you think when you read his instructions? Why don’t you ask HIM for an explanation? Again, where is he? Out knocking on doors to talk about this the only way he is on record of being willing to; In “face to face, one on one, in person meetings” HIS words, not mine. If people are questioning his integrity, which they are, why doesn’t he come out from wherever he’s hiding? FB, lit up like a Christmas tree with discussions and exchanges of what’s fact and what’s fiction and he replies to proponents only. That Mr Levnedushly, is what’s called arrogance.

      • What behavior? Please elaborate with specifics. If I were Tony or Aaron, I wouldn’t reply to such screed either. I stand by what I said, you are dragging this debate down to the level of a playground fight. It’s gotten childish and ugly. By the way, you mis-spelled my name. If you are going to call me arrogant, you can at least spell my name properly.

        It seems to me that you are concerned that you cannot win the argument on the basis of debate, but must rely on personal attack, vituperation, conspiracy theories and exaggeration. I don’t find it very convincing and it is filling me with disgust.

  4. Mr. Labadini, your tactics are utterly appalling. Since your arguments against the CPA are weak, your last resort is to attack the character of the proponents of the CPA. What you’ve been telling people has nothing to do with, as you have put it, how the CPA works, but merely what you think will happen. You provide no evidence to support what you think will happen; you haven’t cited any examples from other cities and towns that already participate in the CPA program. And why is that? Because 161 other cities and towns are benefiting greatly from the CPA, so of course you wouldn’t want to provide examples. You’ve distorted all the facts and use fear tactics to scare people into believing the worse. Also, where is your evidence that the people knocking on doors aren’t from Watertown? There is none; it is merely you insinuating that they are not. Also, providing a script to people who are going to knock on doors is merely a way to ensure that they are providing the most accurate information, are prepared to answer questions as they arise, and to be sure that they mention the most important facts. You imply that there something sinister going on by telling people to beware of strangers knocking at their doors. What is so sinister about campaigning? And by the way, you claim you are not part of an anti-tax organization, but yet your yard signs clearly say “NO NEW TAXES”. That seems like a clear contradiction to me. The only person who’s character or behavior is in question from my perspective and I’m sure from the perspective of many others is yours. Why don’t you stop attacking the proponents of the CPA and stick to arguing the facts Mr. Labadini?

    • Hear! Hear! When you can’t make a convincing argument, cover it with lines and lines of dubious disputation, copious character assassination and conspiracy theories implicating sketchy groups of “special interests” etc, etc. I hope that the majority of Watertowners are as sick of this as I am.

    • Is anyone else aware that this CPA tax can be raised to 3%? All it takes is a majority vote by the Council. Read the fine print on your ballot. My goodness. There are 5 Town Councillors in favor of this so they already have the votes. The should be on the record on this. Will they or wont they vote to increase it if it passes?

  5. Joseph L. I did ask a serious question in another chain regarding why an outside organization like Metro West CD is involved in an issue impacting Watertowns citizens and how this organization is financed. I have no issue with Investinwatertown trying to get the CPA approved (although I do not agree with the CPA) but what is their link to Metro West? I guess that those in opposition to the CPA should have looked for one or two outside sponsor to assist us as well. This is a lesson I will remember in the future.
    I have some age and have always found that if you follow the money you can identify who will benefit from a policy or in this case a TAX.
    It is funny that no one ever answered this important question about Metro West which makes me even more suspicious.

  6. Mr. Labadini, What is this organization, the MetroWest Collaborative? What is their agenda? Why are they interested in Watertown passing the CPA? What do they gain by the passing of the CPA in Watertown? What do they want to do here in Watertown? Please explain.

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