Get a Massage And Help Survivors of the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria

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Massage Aid will raise money for survivors of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

The following announcement was provided by Massage Aid:

In 2019, local Massage Therapists and Reiki Practitioners came together and donated their time
and services to raise money to help the people of Yemen and Massage Aid For Yemen was born.
All the proceeds were donated to Doctors Without Borders earmarked for Yemen. Watertown
Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment co-sponsored the event and were instrumental
in getting the word out and provided refreshments.

Now that the COVID Pandemic is better under control, Massage Aid is back and this time their
efforts are going to help provide much needed relief to the earthquake survivors of Turkey and
Syria. The First Parish Church of Watertown has generously agreed to donate the space for free
again and 100 percent of the proceeds will go to Doctors Without Borders earmarked for
Turkey and Syria. The Watertown Citizens Refugee Support Group which is a working group of
Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice & the Environment is co-sponsoring the event.

MASSAGE AID FOR TURKEY & SYRIA will be held on Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 1-4 p.m.

  • AT: The First Parish Church in Watertown, 35 Church St., Watertown
  • SUPPORTERS can sign up for their choice of a 15 minute Chair Massage or Reiki session which benefit everyone or a 15 Clothed Sports Table Massage which benefits people who are physically active
  • All massage and Reiki session cost $20 and can be paid at the event by cash or a check made out to Doctors Without Borders.

In order to prevent prolonged waiting it is important to book you choice of service in advance

The first event in 2019, went very well and generated almost twice the funds that were
expected. So, do something good for yourself and the people of Turkey and Syria: GET A
MASSAGE OR REIKI TREATMENT on Saturday, April 29th at The First Parish Church in

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