Public Notifications of Development Meetings to be Discussed by Council Committee

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The procedure for notifying the public about development projects will be discussed by the City Council’s Committee on Economic Development and Planning on Monday evening.

The meeting will be on Monday, Nov. 14 at 6 p.m. in the Third Floor Conference Room in City Hall, and on Zoom.

Ways to watch and partcipate:

The meeting will be televised through WCATV (Watertown Cable Access Television):

Join the meeting online at this link:

Participate by phone in audio using these numbers: (877) 853-5257 or (888) 475-
4499 (Toll Free) and enter Webinar ID: 835 4934 0015

The public may comment through email:

2 thoughts on “Public Notifications of Development Meetings to be Discussed by Council Committee

  1. Charlie, I bet a lot of people missed watching this important meeting, including myself as this notice came out too late for me. If there is a way that you can find out if this meeting was taped and will be airing on the Watertown channel so that people can view it, it would be greatly appreciated. This is one area of communication that seems to be lacking for us. To scroll through the programs by day and week on the channel takes a long time and most people won’t do it. Thanks for keeping us informed.

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