A man who held up a store in Watertown with a weapon was arrested by authorities in New Hampshire after a chase and a hostage situation.
On July 29 at 9:23 p.m., a clerk at Hardy’s Spa on Belmont Street called police after a man robbed the store with what appeared to be a handgun, said Watertown Police Lt. James O’Connor
“The suspect threw a brown paper bag at him demanding the clerk to put the money in the cash register into it,” O’Connor said. “At this time the suspect showed the victim a black handgun. The clerk complied and put an undisclosed amount of money from the register into the bag.”
The suspect left the store and fled in a vehicle before police arrived. Officers reviewed security video and the suspect was in the store for just 23 seconds. From the video, detectives were able to identify the suspect as Jose Robles, 39, who was listed as homeless with a last known address in Taunton. He faces a charge of armed robbery, O’Connor said.
In the early hours of Aug. 1, Robles robbed a convenience store in Hampstead, New Hampshire, according to a report on the Seacoast Current. While driving on Rte. 111, a patrol officer spotted the car in which Robles was being driven by his fiancé.
Hampstead Police said Robles then turned into a driveway, held a gun to his fiancé’s head and then drove off. A short time later, police received a 911 call from someone reporting a home invasion at a nearby home. Several people were inside the house being held at gunpoint by Robles, including children and a grandmother, according to the Seacoast Current.
Officers from several police departments in the Hampstead area, as well as the New Hampshire State Police, surrounded the home. Robles then reportedly tried to get one of the people in the house drive him away while he pointed a gun at the person. While he attempted to escape, police evacuated the people inside the house, and placed Robles under arrest.
After he was taken into custody, authorities in New Hampshire discovered the weapon was a BB gun.
Robles faces several charges in Rockingham County, New Hampshire, according to the Seacoast Current, including multiple of armed robbery, criminal threatening with a deadly weapon, kidnapping, criminal restraint burglary, and resisting arrest.
After he goes through the legal process in New Hampshire he will be brought back to Massachusetts to face the charges from the robbery in Watertown, O’Connor said.
Is Mr. Robles an illegal alien?
We should be told whenever an arrest is made of someone who is an illegal alien since they are not supposed to be in the US at all.
Incidentally, we know that Texas Gov. Abbott is sending illegal aliens up north to DC and NYC.
Are there cities around here where they would be more welcome?
After all, several regional cities are “sanctuary cities” who seem to want to accommodate a few thousand more illegal aliens and give them housing etc.
No mention of immigration charges by Watertown Police or in stries from New Hampshire.
Also, do you have any articles you can post people to about Texas sending people to sanctuary cities?
There are hundreds of them. Here is one:
“In addition to Washington, D.C., New York City is the ideal destination for these migrants, who can receive the abundance of city services and housing that Mayor Eric Adams has boasted about within the sanctuary city,” Abbott said in a news release.
“I hope he follows through on his promise of welcoming all migrants with open arms so that our overrun and overwhelmed border towns can find relief.”
So why not send them to “sanctuary” cities which WANT them?
I would like to see Watertown ask Gov. Abbot to send up a thousand illegals and let them off the bus in Watertown Square. Every day.
Many people in Watertown WANT it to be a sanctuary city:
Why call yourself a sanctuary if you’re not? Liberal virtue-signalling, that’s why.
Police don’t arrest illegals anyway in 99% of cases in the US.
So every city is a sanctuary city.
I favor legal immigration only. I don’t see what’s wrong with that but Democrats do.
Thanks for the link. Story mentions migrants, nothing about illegal.
You didn’t ask for “illegal,” Charlie.
You asked, “Do you have any articles you can post people to about Texas sending people to sanctuary cities?”
I gave you one.
People are swarming across the border giving all sorts of bogus reasons.
All they have to say is “we’re persecuted” and the Biden administration usually lets them in.
They subsequently rarely show up for a court date anyway. That makes them illegal.
Of course, the Feds don’t say “they’re illegal” as they cross the border.” If the Feds did say that, they’d be obliged to deport them.
So the Feds give them papers and fly or bus them all over the country. I suppose that makes them legal in a sense. I can steal a bicycle too but if someone does not catch me or I lie that it’s mine, I still committed an illegal act even if I am never prosecuted.
That’s one way gang members like MS-13 are get in, They don’t say, “Hi, we’re gang members.” They say, “Hi, we’re persecuted.”
There have been many studies on the number of *illegals* in the country.
How did these illegals get here?
I was responding to your first comment, where you said “Incidentally, we know that Texas Gov. Abbott is sending illegal aliens up north to DC and NYC.”
Reminder you must sign comments with your full name.
Just because his name is Jose and he is brown doesn’t mean he’s an illegal alien bro. That’s some ignorant stuff right there.
I did not say he is an illegal.
I just asked the question.
See the question mark, of which I am sure you are aware, or maybe not.
Many Hispanics are illegals. They come over the border in droves.
See a different Jose Robles who IS to be deported: