A panel discussion will be held about serving on a City board or commission.
On Thursday, Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m. a virtual panel discussion will be held about how to serve on one of the city’s appointed boards or commission. It will cover: what it’s like to serve, how to apply, and what positions are currently open.
The panel will include:
• Amy Plovnick (Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee)
• Janet Buck (Stormwater Advisory Committee)
• Leo Martin (Conservation Commission), and
• Jeanne Trubek (Environment and Energy Efficiency Committee)
All are invited to attend.
To learn more about the positions currently open, go to our home page and click on “Spotlights” https://www.watertown-ma.gov/.
The meeting will be held on Thursday, January 13th, at 6:30 p.m. and will be on zoom – https://watertown-ma.zoom.us/j/83042732921?pwd=SkFtdFlwN2pSWG1sZk9HaytibFFFZz09
If you can’t make the meeting, a recording will be posted on the City’s webpage.