The Turtle Studios has been in town since the Clinton Administration, but it may have to leave Watertown unless it can find an affordable spot.
The group of 28 artists calls the second floor of the Watertown Elks Lodge home, but in December they were told that the building was being sold, said Jen Dunning, an artist who has been part of the group for the past 8 years.
“We have until Sept. 30 to find new space,” Dunning said.
The group has been looking at spaces around Watertown, but have yet to find a space big enough in their price range. They seek a spot 3,500-4,000 square feet in size. They pay $10 a square foot right now, Dunning said.
If they don’t find a spot in town, others have interest hosting Turtle Studios.
“Somerville has been actively wooing us,” Dunning said. “We would hate to leave Watertown. We are one of only two artist organizations, along with the Arsenal Center for the Arts.”
Turtle studios hosts a variety of different artists, and they use one large room and a second smaller room, rather than having individual studios, Dunning said.
The group has looked at the former branch libraries and other places around town, but they either require too much work or are too expensive, she said.
Anyone who has space or knows of a possible location for Turtle Studios can contact Jen Dunning at 617-519-9105.