We write to you today to enthusiastically endorse Daniel D’Amico for Watertown Councilor at-
As parents of children in town, we have all worked with Dan over the years and know him as a thoughtful, entrepreneurial, and forward-thinking leader. He has volunteered his time in town, most recently serving as a community member on the WFPL Strategic Planning Committee in 2020-21. He has also spent the last 15 years coaching the children of Watertown and instilling in them the values of teamwork, fair play, and hard work and we know he would bring these skills to the Town Council if elected.
Dan is a lifelong resident of Watertown and has a long history of engagement in town, yet he is committed to serving Watertown in a way that is inclusive of all views. Whether you are a fellow lifelong resident or moved here recently, Dan cares about your needs and hopes for Watertown.
Dan sees how Watertown is changing and wants to help make this change be for the better, for everyone. He has experience as a public servant, data analyst in the private sector, and a small business owner. He would use these experiences to improve the lives of all residents, make decisions that help protect the environment, and contribute to ensuring the fiscal health of the town. Dan has strong skills in analyzing data to identify problems, develop solutions, and execute them, and he also brings his project management and team building skills to the role.
Watertown is facing many challenges – related to the pandemic, responsible growth, increased traffic concerns, community building during a time of change, and more. Dan knows that we need to prioritize what we care about and improve our processes and use of data so we can gauge success and develop solutions that are both effective and fiscally responsible. We feel that Dan’s combination of skills and his inclusive and forward-thinking vision are key to leading Watertown into the future and ensuring that we leave our children with the best Watertown possible.
It is for these reasons that we are excited to endorse Daniel D’Amico for Watertown Councilor at-large and we hope you will join us in choosing him when you go to the ballot in November.
Thank you,
Inbal Alon
L.T. Beale
Wendi Beale
Frank Cacia
Lisa Capoccia
Chelley Casey
Jeremiah Casey
Chris Chapron
Kristen Chapron
Lian-Ee Ch’ng
Colleen Cimone
Kara Conceison
Bevin Croft
Pierre de Galbert
Amalia DerHohannesian
John Flaherty
Theresa Flaherty
Diego Hammerschlag
Leanne Hammonds
Ben Hennemuth
Kathleen Hennemuth
Aline Kd
Chris Keary
Sara Keary
Liz Marino
Conrad Morgan
Erin Morgan
Dwight Norris
Jason Pennino
Leah Pennino
Diego Ribeiro
Megan McPeake Rodriguez
Joshua Sack
Rachael Sack
Kara Lopez Salvi
Shantu Salvi
Corey Schofield
Chris Schupp
Felicia Sullivan
Allan Tambio
Jennine Tambio
Robert Varnum
Dan Zoen
Sarah Zoen
(NOTE: The deadline for submitting election letters is Thursday, Oct. 28. They can be submitted to watertownmanews@gmail.com)
Dan, you can add my name to that list! I am so proud of you. Your parents did a great job in raising such a wonderful son! Only the best!!!
Please add our names as well!
We believe in Dan’s vision for an even better Watertown, especially for our children, and his commitment to serving the town and all it’s residents.