LETTER: Greater Boston Labor Council Endorses Town Council Candidate

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The following letter was provided by the Greater Boston Labor Council:

The Greater Boston Labor Council – the umbrella labor union organization for the Boston area – has officially endorsed Mike Hanlon for Town Council, District A, citing his ongoing commitment to union members and to creating an equitable economy. The Greater Boston Labor Council represents more than 100,000 union members in the region, including many in Watertown.

“The GBLC engaged in a rigorous process to consider endorsements and we are very proud to stand with Mike Hanlon in this race,” said Darlene Lombos, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Greater Boston Labor Council (GBLC). “Mike Hanlon has been a champion for workers’ rights and shares our vision for an economy that works for all of us. Watertown needs leaders that not only understand what working families are up against, but are ready to tackle big challenges and reimagine our city to build back better for a truly equitable economy.” 

Lombos continued, “We believe that these leaders will tackle the urgent challenges of our time head on, from quality jobs, equitable development, affordable housing, pay equity, affordable and accessible child care and the escalating climate crisis. We hope that the voters of Watertown will support labor’s endorsed candidates. With public support for unions at a 56-year high, people from all walks of life understand that a society is stronger when unions are strong. Together with unions, elected leaders can help bring equity and prosperity to all city residents.”

About the Greater Boston Labor Council

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Chartered by the National AFL-CIO, the Greater Boston Labor Council’s mission is to improve the lives of working families within the 24 communities in our jurisdiction. Our goal is to build a movement of unions and workers to advocate for working family issues in city and town halls throughout Greater Boston. The Greater Boston Labor Council also seeks to reach out to progressive allies within our communities to form coalitions to advance the cause of economic justice. Through our Committee on Political Education (COPE), the Greater Boston Labor Council is actively engaged in the political process. We endorse and campaign for candidates for municipal office who are supportive of the needs of union members and working families. Learn more at https://gblc.us/.

3 thoughts on “LETTER: Greater Boston Labor Council Endorses Town Council Candidate

  1. Congratulations Mike! Great to see the Greater Boston Labor Council endorsement of a local candidate, Again congratulations from a retired Teamster.

  2. Another great candidate who understands Watertown and will do everything he can to make it a better place for EVERYONE!

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