The Town Council’s Human Services Committee will hold a hearing to discuss the town’s next director of the Watertown Senior Center and the Council on Aging at a public meeting on Monday, March 28 at 7 p.m.
The meeting will be held at the Auditorium at the Coolidge School Apartments, 319 Arlington St.
The following announcement was sent out about the meeting:
Watertown’s search for a new Director of Senior Services is underway, and the Town Council’s Committee on Human Services looks forward to hearing residents’ vision for the Senior Center, including their thoughts on programs for older adults and the qualifications they desire in a new Director. The Council on Aging & Watertown for All Ages are pleased to be collaborating with the Human Services Committee to provide the community a public forum to share their ideas and priorities with the Town Manager and other town officials.
Participants will learn about the services that are currently provided to those 60 and over in Watertown and examples of offerings available in surrounding communities. During small group discussions, we will envision the future of the Watertown Council on Aging/Senior Center. Please come and make your voice heard.
The Coolidge School Auditorium is accessible. Limited free parking in the front lot and along the fence of the back lot. Free on-street parking; located on the 71 bus line.
For more information, please contact Councilor Tony Palomba: or 781-664-3525.
Going to that meeting I felt I was on an express train. I could not comment, I could not get off, I could not even ask for an emergency stop. There were ten tables. Each table had someone chosen before the meeting to be facilitator and someone else chosen to take notes. I volunteered to take notes and was told I couldn’t because someone had already been chosen. One man objected to the order of the agenda – unprinted- and was told sev eral times to sit down.
This meeting was not “collaborated ” with the Council on Aging and we never heard about it until March 18th when we got an e-mail from Mr. Shea. The purpose of the meeting appeared to be to fund raise for Watertown–whatever. The suggestions we heard are what we are already doing. There had been many calls to the Senior Center, the Town Hall and Media. That rumor is not true. The meeting appeared to be a meeting to raise funds for this group.