My name is Daniel D’Amico, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for Watertown Town Councilor at-large. I would be humbled to serve as councilor for the town I have always called home.
I grew up in the West End and now live near Coolidge Square. My parents were immigrants from Argentina and Italy, who chose Watertown to raise our family. I graduated from Watertown High School (‘06) and went on to receive a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at UMass-Boston.
My passion for data and public service led me to work as an analyst for the State’s Division of Insurance. During my time there I received the Pride in Excellence award for my work in planning informational hearings across the state that gave homeowners and renters an opportunity to have their concerns addressed by the Insurance Commissioner. It was a rewarding experience that allowed me to provide residents across the Commonwealth an opportunity to be heard.
Since then, I have worked in the private sector, where I analyze data to identify problems, develop solutions, and execute them. This year I will receive my Masters’ Degree in Leadership and Administration, with a focus in Project Management from Boston College.
In my spare time, you can find me on a soccer field. I love coaching kids and have been doing so in Watertown for almost 15 years. Nothing compares to the joy of helping kids develop their skills and reach their potential on and off the field. I was an assistant for the Watertown HS Boys’ Varsity Soccer team and four years ago I achieved a dream of mine by starting my own business, Charles River Soccer Club. I love building teams and working with others to achieve our common objectives. This is the approach I will bring to the Council if elected. Watertown is facing many challenges, and we need to work together, united, as one team, to move forward.
Watertown has a great future ahead as we continue to grow. We will soon open the state’s first two net-zero energy and LEED Gold elementary schools. We have become a hub for the biotech industry, bringing in high paying jobs. Our welcoming community has attracted residents from all walks of life with diverse experiences and perspectives. This growth has presented Watertown with opportunities and resources that can help us become a standard bearer.
For that to happen, we must move forward together to ensure we maximize the benefits from these new opportunities. We need to continue investing in our schools and children, as they are the future. We need to think boldly while maintaining the fiscal responsibility that has allowed us to rebuild two schools (and a future HS) without a tax override. We need to “measure what we care about” in order to acknowledge our successes, identify potential problems, and develop solutions. We need to take steps to ensure everyone in Watertown has the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Whether you have lived in Watertown your entire life, came here from another country, or have recently chosen Watertown, we all have one thing in common: this is our home. And while we may have differences, we are all One Watertown. If elected to serve on the Town Council, I will make sure to be a voice for all of those in Watertown. I look forward to meeting you on the campaign trail!
Dan D’Amico
76 Edgecliff Road
Good Luck Daniel, I believe you & I had the math / percentages conversation one time, look me up, so when your around in D12 make it a point to stop by, looking forward to it! thanks best wishes
Best of luck Daniel and thanks for your willingness to serve Watertown. It’s a great place!
I’m so incredibly excited for this announcement. I know you will be an asset to Watertown and look forward to supporting your work!
Danny will be a great addition to the town council. He’s devoted, smart, and knows many different types of families and people due to his long involvement in town soccer. I look forward to voting for him and hope others will do the same.
Dan is a fantastic addition to the at large candidate pool!! He is exceptionally well qualified, passionate, trilingual, wonderful mentor to kids through the soccer program, including my own!
Good luck, Dan. With your impressive background and local roots I think you would be a wonderful addition to the council.