LETTER: Watertown GOP Candidates Get Endorsement from State Group

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The Massachusetts Republican Assembly (MARA) and Sharron Angle, former candidate for United States Senate and President of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) proudly endorse Deborah Dugan and Steve Aylward for Republican State Committee woman and man respectively in the 2nd Suffolk and Middlesex Massachusetts State Senate District (include Watertown, Belmont, Back Bay, and Brighton).

Both MARA and the NFRA are dedicated to reforming the Republican Party and giving the grassroots a greater voice in the policy and direction of the Republican Party. Deborah Dugan and Steve Aylward are dedicated to this same mission. In that spirit they have both signed “The Real Republican Reform Pledge.” (See below).

We Confident that as your State Committee representatives Deborah and Steve will represent the interest of the Republicans in of the District. Both Deborah and Steve will not have divided loyalties, because neither is being backed by the tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars being spent by the Donor-Class/Lobbyist Establishment. They are not interested in political patronage jobs and pledge not to accept any if offered.

They believe it’s high time the MA-GOP refocus energy and resources to authentic party building from the ground up. It’s time to abandon the current regime’s top down strategy that only directs time, talent, and treasure on securing and preserving the Governorship at the expense of also electing Republican Legislators.

In 2014, the current MA-GOP leadership allowed 15 Democrats in Republican friendly districts that were carried by Scott Brown in 2012, go unchallenged. As your State Committee members both Deborah Dugan and Steve Aylward will fight to see that this sort of unforgivable negligence never happens again.


John DiMascio
President of MARA Chapter 5

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