4 thoughts on “Police Log: Pair of Men Wanted on 5 Warrants Each, Drug Charges; Money Missing from Nursing Home Residents

  1. Great work by the Watertown police. Keep it up.

    Of course, if a person doesn’t get a Covid-19 vaccination these days he is regarded by some people as worse than your average criminal. That’s where society is now.

    Several months ago some porch pirates were arrested in Watertown and their residences were searched. Stolen goods were found.

    What happened to these “alleged” thieves Inquiring minds still want to know.

    Unless informed otherwise I have to assume they’re out on the streets again after a slap on the wrist or have skipped court appearances.

    This is where society is today. Criminals get away with crimes while others are pilloried for the “horrible” crime of not being vaccinated or arrested for not wearing a mask (yes, many such arrests have happened).

    This is America today: Upside down, as planned by certain groups that shall remain unnamed here.

  2. Sal, thanks for giving g us your ‘view’ in society today. A staff of one also can use some help if you want to follow up on those criminals to see what occurred with them after being arrested. Lots of fiction and fear here. Please expand your reading as you may find the world not so upside down( don’t get me wrong there are fear mongering among us from both the right and left) so please step outside your safe spot to listen to other ‘views’ in society and you and they may create a better one.

  3. They get arrested and judges release them. The police are doing their jobs but the judges let them go. No one cares about the victims.

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