LETTER: Town Councilor Backs Candidate for Democratic State Committee

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To the Editor:

When I vote in the Democratic Primary on March 1, I will be happy to vote for the presidential candidate of my choice and also to support our own Steve Owens’ bid for election to the Democratic State Committee.

Steve cares about Democrats and he cares about the democratic process and he has brought new life to Democratic politics in Watertown. As chair of the Democratic Town Committee, Steve has energized old members and welcomed newcomers. He has earned the respect of Democrats statewide and this has allowed him to draw on a wide range of contacts to arrange speakers for the well-attended monthly meetings: office-holders, office-seekers, and experts on subjects of interest.

Steve brought 21st technology to local campaigns and the local campaigns of state-wide candidates. He is generous with his time and his expertise to any Democrat who asks for his help. He is tireless in organizing and running phone banks, leafleting, and in staffing our local campaign office during the tense last days before an election. Steve’s skills and his warm personality would be of considerable benefit to the Party statewide and I hope you will join me in giving enthusiastic support to his candidacy for the State Democratic Committee.

Susan Falkoff
Watertown Town Councilor-at-Large

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