A vote that could make a major change in the way that Watertown’s government works will be taken at a meeting on April 6 at 6 pm.
The Charter Review Committee, which is reviewing the document that defines how the Town’s government works, will be taking public input and questions, and likely make a vote on whether Watertown should continue to have an appointed Town Manager with an elected Town Council, or change to having and elected Mayor and elected Council.
People can tune in and participate in the Zoom meeting on computer, cell phone or dial in. See this link for info on how to access the meeting: https://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/31800/2021-04-06-Charter-Review-Comm-Agenda
The meeting will also be broadcast on Watertown Cable’s Government Channel (view it here online or watch Comcast Channel 99 or RCN Channel 13).
You can send comments and questions to crc@watertown-ma.gov All the Councilors are in the Charter Review Committee. Their contact info is here: https://www.watertown-ma.gov/Directory.aspx?DID=89
See more information about the Charter Review Committee here: https://www.watertown-ma.gov/596/Charter-Review-Committee
See the Town Charter here: https://ecode360.com/36825791
Here are some articles with info:
- https://www.watertownmanews.com/2021/03/04/charter-review-proposal-work-on-current-government-now-do-deeper-dive-in-a-few-years/
- https://www.watertownmanews.com/2021/03/17/vote-on-whether-watertown-should-have-a-mayor-or-town-manager-coming-soon-committee-wants-publics-input/
- https://www.watertownmanews.com/2021/03/29/watertown-charter-review-update-important-upcoming-meeting-info/