The Watertown Belmont Chamber of Commerce will host a Member Appreciation Celebration at the new Branch Line restaurant, and spots are filling up quickly.
Paul Airasian, executive director of the Chamber, said he expects the event to be a “sell out.”
The Member Appreciation Celebration will be held on Thursday, Jan. 28 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Branch Line, 321 Arsenal St. (next to Panera in the Arsenal on the Charles)
The event is a great opportunity for networking. There will be hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. A free raffle will be held at 6:30 p.m for four Branch Line Gift Cards, a 0ne year free WBCC Membership (not to exceed $380) and a 32GB Apple TV from Michael Stewart.
The celebration is free to Chamber Members and there will be no admittance without RSVPing!
RSVP with name, business, email and online at or call the Chamber office (617) 926-1017 ext 10
Yes, I will be attending this event and looking forward to it!
Linda Miller Seder
Innovative Promotional Concepts