Watertown Group Sends Food, Clothing and Diapers to Syrian Refugees

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First Parish Church

Mark Harris and Watertown Citizens’ Refugee Support Group member Sarah Hamburg load the final donations headed for Syrian refugee camps after a successful, month-long initiative.

Mark Harris and Watertown Citizens’ Refugee Support Group member Sarah Hamburg load the final donations headed for Syrian refugee camps after a successful, month-long initiative.

First Parish Church

Mark Harris and Watertown Citizens’ Refugee Support Group member Sarah Hamburg load the final donations headed for Syrian refugee camps after a successful, month-long initiative.

Over the past month, a Watertown group collected a wide range of items to send to refugees in Syria, and last week they took what they collected filled up an SUV to ship it off.

Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment collected non-perishable food, diapers, sanitary products of all kinds, clothing and winter coats at First Parish Church. The items barely fit into the SUV.

The items were delivered to NuDaySyria in New Hampshire, where they will be packed, shipped and delivered directly to refugees. For more information about NuDaySyria’s support operation and activities, visit www.nudaysyria.net. For more information about Watertown Citizens’ activities, visit www.watertowncitizens.org


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