The Watertown Senior Center provided this week’s programs, which are available remotely.
Programs for Week of November 2, 2020
Join us via Zoom for the following programs. Call for access info: (617) 972-6490.
New participants always welcome in every program! We hope you’ll join us!
Monday: 10:00 AM, Art with Dawn Scaltreto
12:30 PM, Chair Yoga with Diane
Tuesday: Election Day…Don’t Forget to Vote! (No programs today.)
Wednesday: 11:00 AM, Exercise with Joanna
Thursday: 9:00 AM, Pilates with Marina Z.
10:30 AM, Talk with Tom
12:30 PM, Sept/Oct Zoom Program Participants Raffle Drawing!
Friday: 10:00 AM, New! Exercise with Shannon Lee Jones
12:00 PM, Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl
1:30 PM, Mellowtones Chorus
Senior Shuttle Bus Update
The Watertown Senior Shuttle Bus is back on the road for grocery shopping! Due to COVID-19, the bus is limited to 4 riders plus the driver. Masks must be worn. Rides are now scheduled by appointment only. Call the Senior Center on Fridays from 8:30 AM-1:00 PM to schedule your ride for the following week.