Dear Voter,
It is with great enthusiasm that I join Representative Hecht in endorsing Steve Owens as the next Representative for the 29th Middlesex District. I urge you to join us in voting for Steve in the Democratic primary election on Tuesday, September 1.
I have known Steve for nearly twenty years and we have worked together on many local, state, and national political campaigns during that time. I have benefited from his wisdom and political acumen as he has served on my campaign committee since 2009.
A long-time Watertown resident, Steve is credited with revitalizing the Watertown Democratic Town Committee and has served as its Chair for the last twelve years. He also has twice won election to the Democratic State Committee.
I am supporting Steve and asking you to do the same because he is a progressive activist and proven leader ready to take on the many challenges facing Massachusetts. As our State Representative he will champion the issues that the Legislature must address with a commitment to transparency and equity.
He will join other progressive legislators in supporting policies that combat climate change and create environmental sustainability. He will be an advocate for affordable housing for tenants and homeowners and for public education from pre-kindergarten to college. As a professional
transportation expert, Steve knows how important safe, reliable public transit is for workers and businesses. He believes healthcare is a human right and he will work for systemic reform of policing and criminal justice.
Steve is running a strong campaign highlighted by a multi-pronged effort to reach voters during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes holding online community forums with area experts on housing, immigration, transportation, voter protection, and environmental policy. His positions
on these and other issues have earned him the endorsement of the Environmental League of MA, Progressive Massachusetts, SEIU Local 509 and Local 1199, Massachusetts Peace Action, National Association of Social Workers, Mass Alliance, and 350 Mass Action.
Please mark Tuesday, September 1 on your calendar and plan to vote for Steve Owens – and tell your neighbors, friends and co-workers to do the same!
Tony Palomba
Watertown Councilor At-Large