Watertown’s parks will reopen next week after the COVID-19 shutdown, but the playgrounds, courts, the library and the Senior Center will remain closed.
Town Manager Michael Driscoll announced the latest openings in his weekly COVID-19 update. He also updated the Town’s Coronavirus statistics, and there were no COVID-19 related deaths of residents since last Friday. There were 10 more confirmed positive cases, bringing the total to 383, and the total number of people who have recovered is 301 (47 more than last week). Read the entire Town Manager’s update by clicking here.
Parks & Fields
Many of Watertown’s Recreation facilities will reopen on Wednesday, June 3, for “passive non-contact use.” No congregating, group activities or games will be allowed, according to Driscoll’s announcement.
“Violations of the social distancing standards (no more than 10 people, staying 6 feet apart from others) may result in the field, park or track being closed,” the announcement said.
The reopened facilities include all parks and athletic fields, except for the the football/baseball turf at Victory Field. The track at Victory Field will open, as well as the Community Gardens. Remaining closed will be all courts, tot lots and dog parks, and all programs and reservations will be cancelled until further notice.
Other Facilities
The recycling center opened May 29 for the first time in months, and will be open Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. The Department of Public Works will open its administrative offices on Monday, June 1, and the DPW will issue permits and will be open for other Public Works related services.
Other Town facilities will not be reopening, yet. Town Hall, the Senior Center and other town facilities “will remain closed as we continue to review best ways to responsibly and safely reopen these town buildings,” Driscoll announced.
The Watertown Free Public Library will also remain closed, Driscoll announced, “in accordance to Governor Baker’s Re-Opening Plan.” The library recently began allowing its collection to be borrowed, with residents collecting items by curbside pickup. On Friday, Library Staff announced that, starting, Monday, June 1, a new phone number should be used to place curbside pick up orders: 857-203-8009.
More reopening plans will be announced next week, Driscoll said, and will be available on the Town’s website, the Town’s Twitter and Facebook pages and in the “Notify Me” email blast (click here to sign up).
So, tennis courts will be opened?
From the way I read it, no. It mentions courts being closed.
Ah, I see. Initially thought that was a basketball reference. Tennis courts should be, though. South of Boston they are. Open them with the guidance that ‘doubles’ tennis should be avoided unless players use higher level of protection such as masks.
As I’ve asked repeatedly, what’s changed since the parks were closed and their re-opening date of June 3rd? Why will they be safe then, but not June 2nd? Or any day since mid-March when they were summarily shuttered? Acres of open space have been declared off limits for seven weeks, only to reopen under the same guidelines that could have–should have–been put in place at the time of their closing. Don’t take my word for it. Ask the Watertown Board of Health and the Director of Public Health. They made the rules; they should answer for them.