With Gov. Baker laying out the reopening plans for Massachusetts, Watertown’s municipal facilities will begin to reopen from the COVID-19 shutdown in coming days and weeks.
As of Friday, Watertown had a total of 373 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 254 residents who have recovered. The town has lost 23 people to the virus. Four Town employees have had confirmed cases. Two of those employees are back to work, Town Manager Michael Driscoll said.
The first facility to reopen will be the Watertown Recycling Center, Driscoll announced.
“The Department of Public Works and Watertown Recycling Center Operator, Republic Services are planning to re-open the Watertown Recycling Center on Friday, May 29th,” he wrote in his weekly update. “Access will be limited to one resident in at a time; additional access may be granted, but will be at the discretion of the Attending Operator.”
Residents using the Recycling Center must adhere to social-distancing and face-covering requirements that are part of Phase 1 of the state’s reopening.
Now that the Governor has released the state’s Reopening Report, the Town is preparing to reopen Town buildings and facilities in the coming weeks but no earlier than June 1.
“We are determining the best ways to responsibly and safely reopen Watertown,” Driscoll wrote. “We will share more information [this] week, including what employees and members of the public will be required to
do in order to help maintain the health and safety of our community.”
Facilities expected to be in the reopening plan include the Watertown Free Public Library; the Senior Center and shuttle; Watertown’s parks, fields and playgrounds; and Town Hall.
Until then, Town Hall and the Department of Public Works Administrative
Offices will be available only by phone or online, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Visit the Department directory for phone numbers:
- Town Manager, TownMgr@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6465
- Health Department, Health@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6446
- Senior Center, SeniorCenter@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6490
- Recreation Office, Recreation@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6494
- DPW Administrative, DPW1@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 617-972-6420
- Inspectional Services, buildinginspector@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6480
- Treasurer/Collector, Treas&Collectors@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6450
- Assessor, Assessor@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6410
- Town Clerk/Vital Records, TownClerks@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6486
- Veterans Services, PGeorge@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6416
Information about the Watertown reopening plan will be provided in next week’s Update, and on the Town’s Twitter and Facebook pages.
See more information about COVID-19 in Watertown in the Town Manager’s Update by clicking here: https://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/29418/Town-Managers-Coronavirus-COVID19-Update-5-22-2020
So, my skepticism that the parks would open on the 25th was well-founded. We’re opening up, just not opening up open space. But we will, have faith, whenever whoever makes whatever decision. In the meantime, respect authority!