Discuss ways to adapt your business to social distancing, hear PPP pointers and network at the Watertown Business Coalition’s second Online Coffee Connect on May 20.
The free event will be held via a Zoom Meeting beginning at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, May 20.
The event will begin with a general session about how to pivot your business during COVID-19, followed by a choice of breakout sessions: PPP pointers, how to adapt to social distancing requirements, a discussion for non-profits, chat with folks in the hospitality industry, or just network.
RSVP for the event by clicking here.
The Watertown Business Coalition is a nonprofit organization whose members are local businesses that are invested in developing their business, growing our economy, and strengthening our community.
See the WBC’s announcement below:
The WBC hosts an online forum for our business community to discuss the challenges of our COVID altered reality and a path back to some level of economic normalcy.
Our online forum is free to Watertown Residents and our Business Community:
Format will include:
Find a comfortable place in the home with a cup of coffee or tea!
General Session run by WBC Leadership Team – Q&A With Jan Taylor of Get Lively – “How To Make Pivots in Your Business”
Choice of topical breakout room
- Navigating Non-Profits: Hosted by Jaclyn Dentino, New Rep Theatre
- HOSPITALITY CORNER (Restaurants, Caterers, Events, etc.): Hosted by Tammy McKenna, Commander’s Mansion
- Operating in Close Quarters: Service Industry Adapts to Social Distancing: Hosted by Lilia Weisfeldt, Ballroom in Boston
- Open Forum Networking
- PPP Pointer presented by ConnectPay
hi – what’s PPP?
PPP is the Payroll Protection Program, which are federal grants to businesses to allow them to keep their staff for two months during the shutdown if they keep them on for a certain period afterward.