The following information was provided by the Watertown Police Department.
May 8, 1:22 a.m.: A family from Hillside Road called police after they heard a loud bang and an unknown man came into their home. When officers arrived they went into the home and confronted a man in the kitchen and were able to take him into custody. When the break-in occurred, a woman was upstairs sleeping with her 2-year-old child and the husband was downstairs in the living room playing video games. The wife called 911 and said that a man had broken the glass in the rear door and was in the kitchen. Neither she nor her husband knew the person. Officers were able to catch the man before anything occurred. Police said the suspect appeared to be impaired at the time by alcohol and possibly narcotics. Nothing was taken from the home and no one was hurt. The man had no connection to the home, and police believe it was an isolated incident and feel confident after investigating that the neighborhood was safe. The suspect, a 37-year-old from Watertown, was arrested on a charge of breaking and entering during the nighttime for a felony.
May 5, 2:44 a.m.: An alarm went off at the Lowell Elementary School and when police and a member of the staff walked through the school they found that someone had entered through a first-floor window. Inside one of the classrooms some paper work wad thrown around the room and an explicit drawing was left on the marker board. Police discovered some dirt on the window sill, and believe someone had climbed in. They also found Bud Light beer cans on the grass outside of the window. There was no significant damage. The drawing was erased and nothing was stolen.
May 6, 8:11 a.m.: A Watertown man had been in contact with someone on on WhatsApp who was renting a home in Beacon Hill. The person renting the property instructed the man to send him the first month’s rent and security deposit, totaling $2,100. He sent the money using Zelle, a bank-to-bank transfer service. Afterward, the man did not hear from the person who said he was renting the property, who disconnected all communications. The suspect could not be identified.
May 6, 9:42 a.m.: An officer was in the CVS on Main Street when a store employees alerted him that someone was shoplifting. The officer found the individual and stopped him from leaving. The 54-year-old man from Boston had a total of $145 in merchandise in his backpack. He was summonsed to Waltham District Court for shoplifting, a third offense.
May 7, 9:58 a.m.: A man reported being the victim of a scam. The 71-year-old man said he received a call from what he believed to be the Apple Computer fraud department. The caller told the man that his Apple account had been compromised and he needed to resolve the issue. The caller sent a link to this man’s computer instructing him to give Apple access to his personal computer. The man said he saw the caller place $10,000 into the man’s bank account, which the caller said would be used to catch the hacker who compromised the computer. The resident was then told to withdraw and transfer $10,000 to a routing number. After the money was transferred the man discovered the $10,000 was never deposited into his account and the realized he was the victim of the scam.
May 7, 7:06 p.m.: An Orchard Street resident returned from a business trip and discovered items were missing from his basement. The missing items included a Les Paul Gibson guitar worth $5,000, a snowboard valued at $400, and multiple tools – including drills and drill bits – worth $400. There were no signs of forced entry to the home, and the man said his door was locked. The basement is a shared one in a multi-unit home which is accessible to other residents of the building. The last time that the man saw his guitar was July of 2019, and the snowboard in February 2020. No other residents’ items were missing from the basement.
May 7, 7:43 p.m.: A pair of women were seen taking items from CVS in Watertown Square. The two came in shortly after 5 p.m. and spent 25 mins in the cosmetics section before going to self checkout. They scanned the items and then a red light went off and they ran out the door with the $304 in items. An employee got to the register and found the payment method had been cancelled. Police are trying to identify the suspects. They were described as white females, both wearing face coverings. One was dressed in all black and had brown hair. The other wore a light colored puffy coat, light colored pants and a black baseball cap.
May9, 5:27 a.m.: A rock was thrown through the window of a home on Arden Road. The resident heard a load bang and went out to find a living room window facing the front of the house was broken. He saw a black sedan speed away and a rock was found on the grass that appeared to have been the one that broke the window. Other witnesses also heard a bang and saw a black or dark blue sedan speed off. Police are in the process of collecting video surveillance from neighbors in an attempt to identify a suspect or suspects. About $200 in damage was done. The resident has no idea who would have broken the window.
You really need to spell check before you publish.