Lawyers Group Holds Meeting Looking at Watertown Lockdown Last April

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The Massachusetts Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild will hold the fourth in a series of meetings looking at the lockdown in Watertown during the hunt for the Boston Marathon Bombing suspects last April.

On March 5 at 7 p.m., the group will hold a meeting to provide a safe space for people to address concerns over how the lockdown was conducted, according to the announcement from the group.

Some issues brought up include whether the lockdown was necessary, the effect on people who were searched and whether the U.S. Constitution was followed. It will also look at how the lockdown impacted the Fourth Amendment – The Right To Be Secure In One’s Home And Person From Unreasonable Searches and Seizures.

The meeting will be at the First Parish Church of Watertown, 35 Church St., from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Parking is available at lots on Summer Street and in the Watertown Square municipal lot.

Residents are encouraged to contact the Guild in advance of the meeting to express their concerns. Contact Urszula Masny-Latos, Executive Director, at or 617-227-7335.

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