The following information was provided by the West Suburban YMCA:
There’s lots going on at the Y over the next few weeks! Please let me know if you’d like more information or if you have any questions.
Balance and Fall Prevention Workshop
Wednesday, January 29 from 10:15-11 AM
Join us for this free workshop in which we will review exercises that can be executed here or at home in order to help prevent falls and practice postural alignment.
Camp Registration is Now Open!
Send your child to day camp at Camp Pikati or Camp Chickami, or try the overnight experience at Camp Frank A. Day. Learn more and register here: https://www.wsymca.org/camps
Camp Info Sessions
Want to learn more about our summer camp offerings? Stop by the Y for one of our camp info sessions.
- Monday, February 3 – 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
- Saturday, February 8 – 2:00 PM-4:00 PM
- Wednesday, February 26 – 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
- Tuesday, March 10 – 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Try the Y for Free on Thursdays
The Y is free every Thursday for the month of January! Stop by the Welcome Center with a valid ID and your guest fee will be waived.
Kids Night Out
Friday, February 7 from 6:00-10:00 PM
Parents, drop off your kids for a fun Friday night with our qualified staff members for a Kids Night Out. We order pizza for dinner and keep the children entertained with games, swimming, movies and sports. $25 per child for Y members and $30 for the community. A 20% discount is offered per child for those with two or more children. Go out for the night and take advantage of this low-cost alternative to hiring a babysitter. Everyone wins!
Family Fun Night
Tuesday, February 11 from 6:00-7:00 PM
Bring the whole family to the Y for some family fun time. Featuring arts & crafts, bouncy house, gym games and more! Free and open to all. Family Fun Nights occur on the second Tuesday of every month.
Poetry Night
Friday, February 7 from 7-9 PM
Join the Y for Poetry Night. The monthly event features readings by two local poets, then guests are invited to participate in the open mic portion of evening to share their own written work. This event is free and open to the public. Poetry Night occurs on the first Friday of every month.
February Vacation Week Programming
Tuesday, February 18 – Friday, February 21
February Vacation Week is around the corner! We offer three childcare programs from February 18-21. Out of School Time Vacation Programs are structured similarly to a day at camp, we offer a mix of activities such as fun games, creative projects, and free swim. Our Sports Vacation Clinics may include soccer, basketball, baseball, swimming, and more. We also have a new Creative Arts vacation program.
Work at the Y: The West Suburban YMCA is hiring for a variety of full-time and part-time positions in member services, childcare and youth development, aquatics, fitness and more. The Y offers generous benefits, free membership and professional development opportunities. Please contact Laura Snow, Director of Human Resources, at lauras@wsymca.org or visit wsymca.org/careers.
Financial Assistance is always available for Y Memberships and Programs
The West Suburban YMCA is a non-profit charitable organization and it is our mission to never turn anyone away due to their inability to pay. Please contact our Membership Department at 617-244-6050 ext. 3653 for financial assistance with membership or program participation.