LETTER: Library Trustee Candidate Shares His Vision

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Watertown Free Public Library

Watertown Free Public Library

Watertown Free Public Library

Dear Watertown Residents,

My name is Theodore (Teddy) Kokoros and I am running in the November 5th election to become a Watertown Free Public Library Trustee. Even though I am running unopposed, (there are 3 candidates for 3 open Watertown Library Trustee positions) I wanted to share with you 10 of my priorities if I become a Watertown Library Trustee because you deserve information on every candidate on the ballot so you can make an informed decision on election day.

1. Help the Watertown Library survey as many Watertown residents as possible to get feedback from the Watertown community about what the library does well, what it could do better, and big ideas for The Watertown Library’s future.

2. Increase the number of items in “The Library of Things” with a focus on being able to check out more educational toys and games for children.

3. Research has shown that the demographic the library has the hardest time to reach is people ages 20-40 without children and newer residents. I want the library to do more outreach to the managers of all the new development to make sure that newer residents moving into Watertown are aware of all of the wide range of services the library provides.

4. Try to create library fundraising partnerships with all the new businesses coming to Watertown on Arsenal Street and other areas.

5. Work with the town to bring a “Blue Bikes” Bike Share Station to the Watertown Library

6. Create partnerships between Watertown Public School and The Watertown Library where students use the resources of the Watertown Library’s Local History Room to learn more about the town as part of Pre-K-12 Local Civics Curriculum

7. Watertown is a mini melting pot. The Watertown Library already has books and resources that represent the linguistic and cultural diversity of the town. I want to try to find ways to work with the community to increase those resources and support our recently immigrated community.

8. Encourage residents to share old photos from Watertown’s history so they can be digitized and added to the online Watertown Local History Digital Commonwealth archives.

9. Actively promote the wide array of services and events at the Watertown Library like “Project Literacy”, “Girls Who Code”, “Book Club Groups”, “Democracy Talks”, “Ask a Librarian”, “Movie Monday Nights”, and more both face to face around town and on Social Media.

10. The Watertown Library is already an amazing place with hard working dedicated staff. I want to find more ways to have the Watertown Library’s staff be recognized and celebrated for all they do.


Theodore (Teddy) Kokoros

Jensen Rd, Watertown MA

Note: election letters will be accepted until noon on Sunday, Nov. 3.

One thought on “LETTER: Library Trustee Candidate Shares His Vision

  1. All sound good. Didn’t even realize that WPL had a “Library of Things,” so thanks for mentioning that.

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