When Watertown Police made a prostitution bust at a massage parlor located in a large home on Mt. Auburn Street, it did not surprise neighbors.
A New York woman was busted on a charge of sexual conduct for a fee after Watertown Police sting (read more here).
Nearby residents have made several complaints over the years about activities at the 195 Mt. Auburn St. which, among other things, houses Herbal Massage. They report seeing strange things, that led them to believe prostitution has long been going on at the address. Wicked Local Watertown recently ran a report that details many of the neighbors concerns.
The home at the corner of Mt. Auburn and Franklin streets used to be a funeral home and now is owned by Clyde Younger, the former Town Council President and recent candidate for the same position.
Younger now has a proposal in front of the town for a pilates studio to take the place of the massage parlor. This week, the Planning Board gave approval to the plan, but the Zoning Board of Appeals and becaue it is in the Mt. Auburn Historic District, it also needs approval from the Historical District board must still approve the proposal