LETTER: Town Councilor Thanks East Enders for Support During Election

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To the Editor,

It is a distinct honor and privilege to be entering my sixth consecutive term as your District A, East End, Town Councilor. I offer my gratitude to you, the voters of the East End, for acknowledging my efforts for neighborhood quality of life and service to our community. A special thank you to my Town-wide supporters who spoke of my endeavors to their East End friends. Transparency and accountability in Town government are our common goals.

My heartfelt appreciation is also extended to Mark Sideris, John S. Airasian, Paul DerBoghosian, Anthony Donato, Joan Merritt Kraus, Harry Parsekian and Ruth Thomasian for taking the initiative to publicly offer your endorsement for my re-election. Your belief in my commitment to our community spoke volumes to the electorate. Thank you!

Many, many thanks to all, for your personal notes, telephone calls, impromptu greetings of support at local establishments and most of all, our bonds and friendship, today, and during the past 10 years. Even the curb-side chats are a welcomed respite from chores. Our interactions have guided me on your behalf.

I remain committed to representing you with a strong voice for wise legislation; prudent spending of your tax dollars and at all times; responding and listening to your concerns. My proven successes are the foundation of my vision for the future.

I can be reached at 617-926-2352. As always, I look forward to speaking with you to work towards a better East End and community-at-large.


With warm regards,
Angie Kounelis
District A, East End, Town Councilor

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