The following information was provided by the Watertown Police Department.
Jan. 16, 1:26 a.m.: An officer spotted a vehicle parked in a lot at the corner of Mt. Auburn Street and Winsor Avenue with the motor running. As he got closer the officer saw that the driver was slumped behind the wheel. The man did not wake up when police shone their flashlights into the vehicle. The officers were concerned for the well-being of the man, and the vehicle was unlocked so the officers opened the door and woke him. The man had a small amount of what is suspected to be heroin in his lap. Officers also found three small plastic bags with what is suspected to be heroin inside. The 27-year-old Weymouth man was arrested on a charge of possession of a Class A drug.
Jan. 16, 10:06 a.m.: An officer patrolling on Mt. Auburn Street spotted a Chevy van driving with its license plate obstructed. When the vehicle turned off Mt. Auburn it crossed the center line and, at first, was in the wrong lane on Bigelow Avenue. The driver was pulled over and told police that his license was suspended. He had a passenger in the back. When Police spoke to the passenger they noticed two plastic baggies with what appeared to be crack cocaine inside. The passenger, a 47-year-old Watertown man, was arrested on a charge of possession of a Class B drug, a subsequent offense. The driver, a 42-year-old Brighton man, was arrested on charges of unlicensed driving, and was cited for a license plate violation and a marked lanes violation.
Jan. 19, 9:55 p.m.: Watertown Police received an alert from the Middlesex Superior Court that a Watertown man was wanted on a warrant. Police located the man at his home and detained him. The 49-year-old Watertown man was arrested on the warrant for violating the conditions of his probation.
Jan. 15, 4:55 p.m.: A 911 call came in reporting a serious accident on Galen Street near Maple Street, but when first responders arrived they could not find an accident nor any signs that one had taken place. The caller had said that there were three vehicles involved in the accident and one had been “T-boned.” She also said it had been a high speed accident and no one was directing traffic around the accident. Two police cars along with four Fire vehicles — an engine, a ladder truck, a paramedic and a commander vehicle — went to to the scene. When nothing was found, the dispatcher called the person who made the call back and a woman answered. She said she had not made the call, but the dispatcher recognized the voice as being the same person who made the call. The woman again denied making the call and said that she was in New Hampshire, however, when dispatchers used phone location services they saw that the woman’s cellphone was located in Newton. Because the first responders were put at risk by responding to an accident on Galen Street during rush hour, and potentially denied service to those who needed it, the 32-year-old Newton woman was summonsed to Waltham District Court for making a false 911 call.
Jan. 16, 7:42 a.m.: A Pond Street resident reported that his vehicle had been broken into sometime overnight. His vehicle had been rummaged through his vehicle and a Google Chromebook worth $200 was taken. The vehicle had been left unlocked.
Jan. 17, 8:07 a.m.: A vehicle was broken into on Irving Street. It occurred between 6:50 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. The owner noticed that the glove box was open. A backpack that contained two iPhone batteries, worth $50 each, were gone. There were no signs of forced entry.
Jan. 18, 1:53 p.m.: A Forest Street resident had placed a backpack in the driveway and then ran into the house for something. When he returned the backpack was gone. The next day at 10:56 a.m., police were called to Cozy Street when a resident found a backpack near his property. It was the one taken from Forest Street, and all the items the owner reported being in the backpack were still inside.